Join a virtual visit from a PC computer

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated
  1. What you need
  2. Doing a virtual visit
  3. Troubleshooting
  4. Additional materials

What you need

The best web browsers to use for this feature are:

Safari     Chrome     Firefox
File:Safari browser logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons     Google Chrome - Wikipedia      Firefox - Wikipedia

Your computer must be equipped with a microphone and a webcam. You can also use a headset if you have one.

Joining a virtual visit

Step 1: Log in to your email on your preferred computer browser (Chrome or Firefox) and open the email from your caregiver.

Before the scheduled start time of your visit, your caregiver will send you an email that contains a button that you can click to open your video session. 

The email will contain information about the timing of your visit, the service you are receiving, and the name of your caregiver. It will look like the example below:


Step 2: click Join virtual visit.

When it is time for your visit, click the Join virtual visit button.


The video session with your caregiver will open as a separate window in your browser.

Step 3: enable your microphone and video.

When you join the call, enable your microphone and camera in your browser by clicking Allow. You will only be prompted to do this the first time you join a virtual visit from a specific web browser.

On Chrome, the popup will look like this:


On Firefox, it will look like this:


Step 3: participate in the video call

Once your caregiver has joined the call and enabled their microphone and camera, you will be able to see and hear them. Your image will appear in the bottom right corner.


If your caregiver is not in the video session, you will see a message informing you that the caregiver has not yet joined the visit.


Call the number on the screen for the agency if your caregiver does not join the call for the next few minutes.

On the call, you can use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to hang up the call, switch the direction of your camera, mute your microphone, or turn your video on or off.


Press end_call_button.png to hang up the call. 

Press switching_camera.png to switch the direction of your camera so that it is facing away from you rather than toward you. This functionality may not be available on your computer.

Press mute_button.png to turn off your microphone so your caregiver cannot hear you.

Press stop_video_button.png to turn off your video so your caregiver cannot see you. You can turn the video back on by clicking the same button.

You can also press the help_icon.png icon to open this guide for help.

Step 5: end your virtual visit

When your visit is over, you or your caregiver can hang up to end the call. When you hang up, you will receive a message informing you that your virtual visit has ended.


If your caregiver hangs up, you will receive a message indicating that the caregiver has hung up. 


If the visit is not supposed to be over, call the number provided in the message. Otherwise you can press the hang-up button and click to close out of the window.


Having problems joining a virtual visit from a PC? Check out these troubleshooting tips for the following scenarios:

I received a message that my virtual visit is expired

If you try to click the Join virtual visit button  in the email after the scheduled end time of the visit has passed, you will receive a message that the virtual visit has expired. If the visit did not happen as scheduled, please call the number provided to you in the message. 


Additional materials

For additional help, please see the attached guide How to Join a Virtual Visit from Your Desktop.



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