How do I use AlayaCare's contact tracking report (beta feature)?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

AlayaCare is developing a contact tracking report to help organizations identify which clients or employees may have come into contact with a client or employee who tested positive for COVID-19 or a facility that had positive cases of the virus. Organizations can generate a contact tracking report that identifies the web of contact within your agency for specific client, employee, or facility profiles, with up to three degrees of separation.

The contact tracking report is a beta feature that is still in development. Final improvements to the report will be coming in future releases. Please reach out to your Client Success Manager or Client Relationship Manager if you would like to share feedback on the report.

Roles and permissions

ACL_image.png To generate the contact tracking report from a client, employee, or facility profile, you must be in a role with the correct permissions enabled. The following ACLs control access to the contact tracking feature:

  • Client>Generate Client Contact Tracking Report
  • Employee>Generate Employee Contact Tracking Report
  • Facility>Generate Facility Contact Tracking Report

Make sure that these permissions are enabled in Settings>Roles and Permissions for any roles that should be able to run these reports.

How do I generate the contact tracking report?

To generate the contact tracking report, go to the Overview tab on the profile of the client, employee, or facility and select the green Contact Tracking tab.


Under Set criteria for contact tracking report, select the dates of the period for which you wish to run the report. The To field will automatically default to today's date.

Click Download to generate the report. The CSV file will download automatically.

What does the contact tracking report contain?

While the report details will vary depending on whether the report was run for a client, employee, or facility, the basic format of the report will remain the same for all three entities. The report will be in .xlsx format.

Each report contains four tabs:

The report will track contact starting with the earliest visit between the source client, facility, or employee and any other clients or employees for the time range requested. Based on the start and end dates provided, the report will take into account all visits that occurred between:

  • The source client/employee/facility and another client or employee.
  • Clients or employees who had direct contact with the source client/employee/facility and any clients/employees they had contact with after that.
  • Clients/employees who had visits with clients/employees who had direct contact with the source client/employee/facility and other clients/employees.

Note that only direct contact between an employee and a client at a facility will count as a point of contact. The report will not consider all clients at a facility to have come into contact with a particular employee, or all employees who later visit a facility to have come into contact with a particular client located at the facility.

Tab 1: Contact Graph

The ContactGraph tab displays the points of contacts between the entity in question and other clients, employees, or facilities. It is intended to help you visualize how various members of your team and client base may have come into contact with an infected individual or community/facility.


Note that boxes representing clients and facilities will be house shaped: client_tile.jpg

The boxes representing employees will be oval shaped:  employee_tile.jpg

The graph uses the following colour scheme:

  • Red: source client/employee/facility
  • Orange: first level of contact
  • Yellow: second level of contact
  • Green: third level of contact 
  • Grey: client was visited by the employee at a facility 

The full name of the source client/facility/employee will be displayed at the top of the web in a red box along with their primary phone number. 

Any visits between the source entity and other clients, facilities, or employees recorded in AlayaCare will be shown using arrows. The date and time of the earliest visit within the time range between the two entities will be displayed along the arrow. The full name and primary phone number of connected entities will be displayed in orange boxes.


The next level of contact shows the clients or employees that the clients or employees who had direct contact with the source client/employee/facility had visits with during the time frame provided after the initial contact with the source client, employee, or facility. Once again, visits between entities will be represented as arrows with the date and time of the earliest visit. The names of phone numbers of entities with second degree contact will be shown in yellow boxes.


The third level of contact shows visits between clients, facilities, or employees in the second level of contact and other clients, facilities, or employees employed or served by your agency. The names and phone numbers of entities with third degree contact will be displayed in green boxes.


 If a client was visited at a facility, a grey box will be shown. 

Tab 2: Source Client/Employee/Facility

This tab contains information about the source client, employee, or facility. It will list the following details:

  • First Name: client and employee first name or facility full name listed in AlayaCare
  • Last Name (client and employees only): client or employee last name listed in AlayaCare
  • AC ID: the entity's AlayaCare ID
  • DOB (clients and employees only): date of birth set for the employee or client in AlayaCare 
  • Phone: primary phone number listed for the client, employee, or facility in AlayaCare
  • Email: email listed for the client, employee, or facility in AlayaCare
  • Report Date From: start date of the contact tracking report based on the time range requested
  • Report Date To: end date of the contact tracking report based on the time range requested 

Tab 3: Employees Who Visited Source Client (or Clients Visited By Employee)

This contains information about other clients, employees, or facilities who came into direct contact with the source entity. In a Client or Facility Contact Tracking Report, this tab will be called EmployeesWhoVisitedSourceClient. In an Employee Contact Tracking Report, this tab will be called ClientsVisitedByEmployee. It represents the first level of contact shown in orange on the contact graph in tab 1. 

  • Visit Date: start date of the visit
  • Visit ID: ID of the visit in AlayaCare
  • First Name: first name of the employee or client who had the visit with the source entity. 
  • Last Name: last name of the employee or client who had the visit with the source entity 
  • AC ID: AlayaCare ID of the employee or client who had the visit with the source entity 
  • DOB: date of birth if set of the employee or client who had the visit with the source entity
  • Phone: primary phone number of the employee or client who had the visit with the source entity 
  • Email: email address of the employee or client who had the visit with the source entity 
  • Client visited (client/facility report) or Visited by (employee report): full name of the source client/facility/employee
  • Clock in completed: yes or no depending on whether the employee clocked in and out of the visit

Tab 4: Other Clients Visited by Employees (or Other Employees Who Visited Clients)

This tab shows clients or employees who had contact through visits with the clients or employees listed in Tab 3. In a Client or Facility Contact Tracking Report, it will be called OtherClientsVisitedByEmployees. In an Employee Contact Tracking Report, it will be called OtherEmployeesWhoVisitedClients. It represents the second level of contact shown in yellow in the contact graph in tab 1. 

The tab will list the following information about each visit in which contact may have occurred:

  • Visit Date: start date of the visit
  • Visit ID: ID of the visit in AlayaCare
  • First Name: first name of the employee or client involved in the visit
  • Last Name: last name of the employee or client involved in the visit 
  • AC ID: AlayaCare ID of the employee or client
  • DOB: date of birth if set for the employee or client
  • Phone: primary phone number of the employee or client
  • Email: email address of the employee or client
  • Client visited (employee report) or Visited by (client/facility report): full name of the client or employee from tab 3 who had direct contact with the source entity and participated in the visit in question
  • Clock in completed: yes or no depending on whether the employee clocked in and out of the visit

Tab 5: Other Employees Visited Other Clients (or Other Clients Visited by Other Employees)

This tab shows clients or employees who had contact through visits with the clients or employees listed in Tab 4. In a Client or Facility Contact Tracking Report, it will be called OtherEmployeesVisitedOClients. In an Employee Contact Tracking Report, it will be called OtherClientsVisitedbyOEmployees. It represents the second level of contact shown in green on the contact graph in tab 1. 

The tab will list the following information about each visit in which contact may have occurred:

  • Visit Date: start date of the visit
  • Visit ID: ID of the visit in AlayaCare
  • First Name: first name of the employee or client involved in the visit
  • Last Name: last name of the employee or client involved in the visit 
  • AC ID: AlayaCare ID of the employee or client
  • DOB: date of birth if set for the employee or client
  • Phone: primary phone number of the employee or client
  • Email: email address of the employee or client
  • Client visited (client/facility report) or Visited by (employee report): full name of the client or employee from tab 4 who participated in the visit in question
  • Clock in completed: yes or no depending on whether the employee clocked in and out of the visit

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