The information that clients and their families see in the AlayaCare family portal will be drawn from the settings you have enabled for the portal during configuration of the feature and client data entered by your employees in the AlayaCare web and mobile applications.
Please note that access to portal features can be restricted to different portal roles from the Roles & Permissions tab in Settings. For more information, please see How do I configure Family Portal 2.0 for my organization?
Caregivers and employee reviews
The client's care team in the family portal is composed of both experienced employees (employee that have had at least at one visit with the client over the number of days set as the Continuity Metric Limit in the web app) and associated employees (found in Coordination>Associated Employees on the client's profile). Caregivers will be ordered in the list according to continuity of care (if not available, they will be sorted alphabetically).
The employee's name (either first and last name, first name only, or first name and last initial depending on the family portal settings you have chosen) and job title will be displayed according to how it is entered in the Demographics tab of the employee's profile in AlayaCare. If a photo has been uploaded for the employee, this photo will be displayed as part of their profile in the portal as well.
Detailed information that will be available for the employee includes the following:
- The employee description entered in Demographics>Other fields>Bio.
- Aggregate employee rating out of five stars based on reviews from the family portal.
- The employee's skills listed in the Skills & Qualifications tab.
- Past reviews of the employee submitted via the family portal, including the name of the reviewer and date of submission.
To review the client experience of these sections of the portal, please see How do I see information about the client's care team and rate/review caregivers?
Scheduling and visit requests
Information about the client's schedule and upcoming and recent visits found in the Home and Schedule tabs of the family portal will correspond to the information in the Scheduling tab of the client profile.
For each visit, portal users can view the following details:
- Scheduled date and start/end time of the visit
- Assigned employee's name
- Employee’s display photo (if available)
- Associated service name
- If using Forms/Care Plan 2.0: any interventions tied to the visit and whether they were completed
Portal users will also be able to see when employees clock in and out of a visit on web or mobile.
Please note: portal users will only be able to see interventions for a visit if your organization is already using Care Plan 2.0. If you do not have Forms 2.0 and Care Plan 2.0 turned on, any daily activities (ADLs) tied to the visit will not appear. You should turn off the View visit interventions ACL to avoid seeing a message that there are no interventions on the visit.
When a portal user submits a request for either a new visit (single or recurring) or a visit change (cancellation or date/time change), a general task will be created in the AlayaCare web application for the agency's back-office staff to review and assign. See the section Family Portal Open Requests KPI.
To review the client experience of these sections of the portal, please see How do I view the client schedule and request new visits/visit changes in the family portal?
Client demographics
The demographic information in the Profile tab of the family portal will pull from the following sections of the client's AlayaCare profile:
- Date of birth: Demographics>Other Fields>Birthday
- Gender: Demographics>Other Fields>Gender
- Preferred language: Demographics>General>Preferred Language
- Phone number: Demographics>General>Phone (Main)
- Address: Demographics>Address
- Allergies: Care Documentation>Medical History>Allergies
With the correct ACL, portal users will be able to view the complete list of medications found in Care Documentation>Medication on the client profile. The following details for each medication will be available in the portal:
- Medication name
- Dose
- Time instruction
- Last administration
- Status
- Route
- Start and end date
- Special instructions
- High alert (if checked in the web app)
The following details will be available for each medication administration:
- Date and time of the administration
- First and last name of the employee who administered the medication
- Medication held (yes or no)
To review the client experience of this section of the portal, please see How do I review medications in the family portal?
With the correct ACL, portal users will be able to view the complete list of all recorded vital readings for a given vital after clicking View Records for the vital. The vitals names and details will match the information in the Care Documentation>Vitals tab on the client's profile.
The following information will be available for each reading:
- Vital name
- First and last name of the employee who recorded it
- Vital value and unit
In the graph view of vitals, the last seven recorded readings of each will be displayed on a graph mapped based on value recorded and date taken. A green indicates that the value recorded falls within the minimum and maximum thresholds set for the client in Vitals Configuration. A red dot indicates that the value recorded falls outside of the the minimum and maximum thresholds set for the client in Vitals Configuration.
To review the client experience of this section of the portal, please see How do I review recorded vital readings in the family portal?
Portal users can view approved forms submitted by employees for the client along with the name of the employee who submitted the form and the date and time of submission.
Portal users can also complete active forms of type family portal and submit them from the portal. If they have the correct ACL, they can also edit their responses on the form until the form has been approved by the agency. Once a form has been approved, they can no longer edit it. To learn how to configure a form for the family portal, see How do I create forms for portal users to complete in the family portal?
Please note: portal users will only be able to view approved forms and complete forms for the agency if your organization is already using Forms 2.0 and Care Plan 2.0. You should turn off the View client forms ACL to prevent users from seeing an empty tile under the Care tab.
To review the client experience of these sections of the portal, please see How do I complete forms in the family portal? and How do I view forms submitted for the client in the family portal?
Services and service requests
The list of active services visible to portal users will correspond to the active services listed in the Services tab on the client's profile in AlayaCare.
When a portal user clicks a service name to view more details, the following information from the web application will be displayed:
- Service name
- Service address (if different from the client address)
- Start date and projected end date (if available)
- Any skills attached to the service
- If funded by funders of type client individual, the funders' names, percentage of coverage (if using split billing), and billing contact name
- If funded by other funder types, the following message will be displayed: "This service is funded by an external party"
- Service code
- Service rate(s)
When a portal user submits a request for a new service from the family portal, a general task will be automatically created in the AlayaCare web application for your back-office staff to review and assign. See the section Family Portal Open Requests KPI.
To review the client experience of this section of the portal, please see How do I view services or request a new service from the family portal?
Family portal users with the correct ACL will be able to access the latest balances for any client individual funders attached to services that the client is receiving. Under the Home tab, users will see the total account balance based on all client individual funders for the client. Under the Profile tab, users will see a breakdown of how much each client individual owes or is owed.
The invoice history list in the portal gives users access to all invoices in Sent, Paid, Written Off, Void, or Copy status for the client with funders of type client individual. Clicking the invoice number will allow the user to download the invoice of the type and format configured by the agency in Settings>System Settings>Family Portal.
Family Portal Open Requests
In the web application, the dashboard KPI Family Portal Open Requests will display the number of open tasks that have been created by requests submitted from the family portal (for new services, new visits, or visit changes).
Clicking on the KPI tile will take you to the Tasks tab with the list filtered by a new Family Portal filter.
You can also toggle the Family Portal filter on and off to filter the tasks list to only requests submitted from the family portal.
The ACL KPI - Family Portal open tasks in the Dashboard folder in Settings>Roles and Permissions controls access to the Family Portal Open Requests KPI.
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