AlayaCare Care Worker Mobile App: Product Overview

Rita Pang
Rita Pang
  • Updated

The AlayaCare mobile application allows caregivers in the field to access their schedule, respond to visit offers, clock in and out visits, and review and update clinical records for clients, all from a mobile device. Please ensure that all team members using the app have updated their operating systems, to a minimum of version 13 on iOS and OS 8 on Android. 

To download the app, search with the keywords "AlayaCare", or scan the QR codes below.

Android                       iOS

Android-Google Play Store-AlayaCare App.pngiOS-App Store-AlayaCare App.png

The following AlayaCare features are available on the mobile app:

The mobile app is available for both Android and iOS devices. Please note that there are slight differences in design and available functionality between the Android and iOS apps. For more information, please see What is available on the mobile app for iOS vs. Android?

Additionally, the mobile app will be launching a new and improved redesign in February 2023. The redesign focus will be on the Visit section and will offer a more accessible navigation experience to users in Canada, United States, and Australia, on both iOS and Android devices.

⚠️Some of the screenshots you see below may therefore only be available in your environment in February 2023. ⚠️

Administrators of the web portal can use Mobile Settings in Settings > System Settings to configure certain features on the mobile app, and control employee access to information using ACLs in Settings>Roles and Permissions.

What features of the web app are not available on the mobile app?

The mobile app is specifically designed for care providers rather than schedulers, coordinators, administrators, or accounting staff. As a result, the back-office functionality of the web app is not available in the mobile app. The following modules are only available in the web app:

Note that care providers can only view their own schedules and assigned tasks from the mobile app. There is no way to see all scheduled visits for the branch or agency, or view all assigned tasks or submitted forms across a branch or agency. 

Employee schedule

Upon logging in, the app will default to the employee's current schedule for the day. Tap a visit to view more details about the client (or facility) and the upcoming visit. 


Click the three dots on a visit to perform actions on the visit. You can cancel, edit, delete, or un-assign yourself from a visit. You can also put a visit on hold. 

Scheduled unavailabilities or pending offers for the employee will also appear in the schedule.


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Tapping a visit to open from the employee schedule will allow you to see more information about the service and client/facility. 

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You can review the below on your visit hub:

  • A summary of the upcoming visit
  • A new “Care' card which shows all navigation within the app
  • Large Clock in/Clock out button

Click on "Clock in" to start your visit. The top header will change to green when you are clocked in, and to dark blue when you are clocked out. You can also clock in and out via the header of any page. Additionally, you can also clock in to a client in your caseload.

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Important note: AlayaCare only captures the GPS coordinates of an employee's location via the mobile app when the employee clocks in or clocks out of a visit. AlayaCare does not track the location of employees using the app at any other time. 

Be sure that you have turned on the appropriate location permissions under "Settings" on your mobile device. 

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Visit details

Click on the large card to view additional information around the upcoming visit on your visit hub.

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The above visit hub will give you access to the following:

  • Directions
  • Ability to call client
  • Access emergency contacts
  • Review care provider notes
  • View any risks associated with the visit and the ability to tap on a risk for additional details
  • Review visit notes
  • Access premiums

Service details

The "service details" screen will offer more information to the service:

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Details to the service include:

  • Service instructions
  • Service name
  • Service code
  • Activity code
  • Projected end date

App Navigation

To access features and information within the mobile app, select "Care Card" on the visit hub. Navigation is organized into two sections: Care Delivery and Care Management.

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Care Delivery covers actions that may be taken at a visit, which may include:

  • Service Tasks
  • Forms
  • Progress Notes
  • Vitals
  • Medications
  • Wounds
  • Infusions

Care Management is typically read only, or covers supporting documentation within the caregiver app which may include:

  • Care Plan
  • Medical History
  • Attachments
  • Document Approvals (If your organization is required to submit 485s, PDF versions of these submitted forms will be found here)
  • Referrals

Care plan 

You can view details about the client's current care plan under the Care Plan tile. The information and layout of the Care Plan tab will depend on whether your organization is using Care Plan 2.0, or Care Plan 1.0. 

                      Care Plan 1.0:                                                         Care Plan 2.0:

care_plan_1.0_mobile.png                        Screenshot (403).png

Note that with Care Plan 2.0, required interventions and goals from the client's care plan will appear as service tasks for the employee to complete, under the Service Tasks tab.

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Progress notes

Care providers can use the Progress Notes tile to provide clinical updates on the client and review past notes written by caregivers. 

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Service tasks

The Service Tasks tile contains items that the care provider must complete before clocking out of a visit. For organizations using Care Plan 2.0, service tasks will consist of interventions, goals, and forms. In order to clock out, care providers must complete each required intervention or goal or enter a comment as to why they could not be completed for the visit. The forms section will contain any forms attached to the service or visit that the care provider should fill out and submit.

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For organizations using Care Plan 1.0, service tasks will be divided into the daily activities that the care provider must complete (or provide a comment as to why they were not be completed) and the forms attached to the visit or service that they must fill out and submit.

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Forms (reports)

With the new and redesigned mobile app, a tile is dedicated to Forms, from which care providers can access the following forms:

  • Form Drafts
  • Form History
  • Any Pinned forms from your agency
  • Add a form

Forms can also be accessed via Service Tasks.

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Care providers can use the Medication tab to record administrations of a client's active medications and add new active medications to the list. 

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The Vitals tile allows care providers to review past vital signs for a client and record new readings.

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Wound care 

The Wound Care tile allows care providers to add and edit new wounds for clients and record new wound treatments. This feature is currently only available on Android.

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Care providers can add new infusion sites and record infusion maintenance from the Infusions tile. This feature is currently available on Android.

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Facility visits

Employees can also clock into facility, and client visits, from the mobile app. They can also access a list of clients at a facility, and clock in to visits with individual clients, at the facility level.

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Care providers can complete tasks assigned to them by the back-office staff by going to Tasks tab under the menu. Tasks can either be general or client specific. Client-specific tasks may have a form attached for the employee to complete. 


Care providers can also create tasks for themselves from the mobile app, per example shown below. 


On Android, client-specific tasks will also appear under Service Tasks.

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The Caseload tab, accessible from the menu, allows care providers to find information about all the clients under their care. From the caseload screen, they can select a client and service to clock into.


If the employee has the View full caseload ACL (permission), they can also select View All Clients to view a complete client list.

Offline mode

Offline mode allows care providers to use the mobile app to complete visits even when they do not have access to internet. It must be enabled and configured at the system level for your organization before field staff can use it.

To enable offline mode on mobile, go to the menu and select Settings> Offline Settings


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Offers and referrals

Care providers can respond to visit offers sent by the agency from the mobile app. An orange alert will appear on the menu when a new offer is available. 


Navigate to the Offers tab, accessible from the menu, to view the offer and accept or reject.


If your organization is using referrals, you can also review referral details from the mobile app.

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Change password

Care providers can change their own passwords from the mobile app by going to the menu and selecting Settings> Change Password. Note that employees must be in a role with the Change Employee Password ACL (permission) in order to access this option.

You can also require employees to reset their password periodically using the Password Expiry Interval setting in Settings> System Settings on the web app.

Quick Start Guide

Our  Quick Start Guide for Caregivers is now available for download. Stay tuned to our releases and this space as we will continue to update this guide in the future.

Webinar: Redesign Tour

Sign up, or sign into Community today to watch a webinar where we offer a platform tour of the redesigned mobile app visit hub. In this webinar, you can walk through the new, streamlined, and updated workflows in the AlayaCare mobile app, hear some of the most frequently asked questions and answers, and learn about the assets produced to help educate your teams about these changes.


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