How does data migrate from Care Plan 1.0 to Care Plan 2.0?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

When your organization transitions to Care Plan 2.0, your existing data in client care plans, care plan libraries, and daily activities will be migrated into the new care plan module. For a detailed guide to where your data will go after the migration, please see the sections below:

Roles and permissions

ACL_image.png The following new permissions are available to configure in Settings>Roles and Permissions for Care Plan 2.0:

For admin roles:
  • Clinical>View Care Plans Library
  • Clinical>Add and Remove Tags to Goals, Interventions, and Diagnoses after a Care Plan or Care Plan Item is completed
  • Scheduling>Add Intervention to Visit
For field roles:
  • Scheduling > Add Intervention to Visit
  • Clinical > Add and Remove Tags to Goals, Interventions, and Diagnoses after a Care

Migrating client care plans

In Care Plan 2.0, clients can have more than one care plan. While a client can only have one active care plan at a time, other care plans can exist in other statuses.  As a result, each new care plan will require a name, status, and start date.

Care Plan 2.0 field

Data entered for migrated care plan         


 Each migrated client care plan will have the name Care Plan 1.0



Start Date

The earliest start date of an item on the care plan

 End Date (optional)


All care plans will be migrated with a status of active, even if all the items on the care plan are marked as complete. This is because the concept of statuses does not exist in Care Plan 1.0. After the migration has finished, you can choose to mark the care plan as complete.

Learn more about client care plans.

Migrating care plan libraries

For migrated care plan libraries, the description of the library in 1.0 will appear as the name of the library in 2.0. In Care Plan 2.0, care plan libraries can also have different statuses (draft, active, or archived). All migrated care plan libraries will have a status of active, since the concept of library statuses does not exist in 1.0.

Care plan 2.0 field

Data entered for migrated care plan library


Description entered for the library



Care plan library (Care Plan 1.0):


Care plan library (Care Plan 2.0):


Learn more about care plan libraries.

Migrating nursing diagnoses

Nursing diagnoses on a client care plan or in a care plan library will be migrated to diagnoses on the client care plan or diagnoses in a care plan library.

Nursing diagnoses - client care plan:

Care Plan 2.0 field

Data migrated from corresponding Care Plan 1.0 field

Diagnosis name

Nursing diagnosis name 

Diagnosis description


Diagnosis creation date

Diagnosis creation date

Diagnosis end date

If the diagnosis was marked as complete, the completion date will appear. Otherwise, the field will be blank.

Diagnosis tag


Diagnosis department


Diagnosis service


Primary diagnosis


Nursing diagnosis - Care Plan 1.0:


Diagnosis - Care Plan 2.0:


If the nursing diagnosis was not marked as complete before the migration, the diagnosis will be active in Care Plan 2.0. If the diagnosis was completed before the migration, the diagnosis will be marked as resolved.

Nursing diagnoses migrated from a care plan library:

Care Plan 2.0 field

  Data migrated from corresponding Care Plan 1.0 field

Diagnosis name

Nursing diagnosis name 

Diagnosis description


Diagnosis tag


Diagnosis department


Nursing diagnosis in care plan library - Care Plan 1.0:


Diagnosis in care plan library - Care Plan 2.0:


Learn more about care plan diagnoses.

Migrating nursing goals and client goals 

Both nursing goals and client goals on a client's care plan will be migrated as care plan goals.

Nursing/client goals - client care plan:

Care Plan 2.0 field

Data migrated from corresponding Care Plan 1.0 field

Goal name

Nursing/client goal name

Goal description


Goal start date

Creation date of the nursing/client goal

Goal end date

If nursing/client goal is marked as complete, this will be the completion date. Otherwise this field will be blank.

Goal type

For a nursing goal, the type will be Nursing

For a client goal, the type will be Client.

Goal tag


Related diagnoses


Goal department


Goal service


Progress Tracking Method                                 

None will be selected for both nursing and client goals.

Primary goal


Nursing/client goal - Care Plan 1.0:


Goal - Care Plan 2.0:


If the nursing or client goal was not marked as complete before the migration, the goal will be active in Care Plan 2.0. If the diagnosis was completed before the migration, the goal will be marked as complete

Nursing/client goals - care plan libraries:

Care Plan 2.0 field

Data migrated from corresponding Care Plan 1.0 field

Goal name

Nursing/client goal name

Goal description


Goal type

For a nursing goal, the type will be Nursing

For a client goal, the type will be Client.

Goal tag


Related diagnoses


Goal department


Goal service


Progress Tracking Method                             

None will be selected for both nursing and client goals.

Nursing/client goal in care plan library - Care Plan 1.0:


Nursing/client goal in care plan library - Care Plan 2.0:


Learn more about care plan goals.

Migrating nursing interventions and daily activities 

Both nursing interventions and daily activities (ADLs) from client care plans, the Daily Activities tab, and care plan libraries will be migrated to interventions in Care Plan 2.0. Like nursing interventions in Care Plan 1.0, interventions are created on the client care plan, which allows you to link them to specific goals. However, like daily activities, interventions flow through to the client's scheduled visits and have specific frequencies to determine how often caregivers will be required to complete them during visits. 

If your organization is currently only using daily activities and not care plans, a care plan will be created for each client during the migration and all their daily activities will appear as interventions on that care plan.

Nursing diagnoses - client care plan:

Care Plan 2.0 field

Data entered from corresponding Care Plan 1.0 field

Intervention name

Nursing intervention name

Intervention description


Intervention start date

Creation date of the nursing intervention

Intervention end date

If the nursing intervention is completed, then the completion date will be displayed. Otherwise this field will be blank. 

Intervention frequency type

The frequency type for all migrated interventions will be Per Request.

Intervention type

Nursing will be selected as the type

Intervention tag


Related goal(s)


Intervention department


Intervention service


Required for visit completion

This box will be checked for migrated nursing interventions

Capture time spent on intervention

This box will be unchecked for migrated nursing interventions

Include in 485

This box will be checked for migrated nursing interventions (only applies for US agencies)

External link


AlayaCare module


Nursing intervention - Care Plan 1.0:


Intervention - Care Plan 2.0:


If the nursing intervention was not marked as complete before the migration, the intervention will be active in Care Plan 2.0. If the intervention was completed before the migration, the intervention will be marked as complete

Daily activities:

Care Plan 2.0 field

Data entered from corresponding Care Plan 1.0 field

Intervention name

Daily activity description 

Intervention description


Intervention start date

Start date of the daily activity 

Intervention end date

End date of the daily activity (if applicable)

Intervention frequency type

Frequency type and details should match the daily activity's frequency in Care Plan 1.0.

Intervention type

The type will correspond to the Section selected for the daily activity 

Intervention tag


Related goal(s)


Intervention department


Intervention service

Any services attached to the daily activity will appear here

Required for visit completion

This box will be checked for migrated daily activities 

Capture time spent on intervention

This box will be unchecked for migrated daily activities

Include in 485

This box will be checked for migrated daily activities (only applies for US agencies)

External link


AlayaCare module


Daily activity - Care Plan 1.0:


Intervention - Care Plan 2.0:


Nursing interventions - care plan libraries:

Care Plan 2.0 field

Data entered from corresponding Care Plan 1.0 field

Intervention name

Nursing intervention name

Intervention description


Intervention frequency type

The frequency type for all migrated interventions will be Per Request.

Intervention type

Nursing will be selected as the type

Intervention tag


Related goal(s)


Intervention department


Intervention service


Required for visit completion

This box will be checked for migrated nursing interventions

Capture time spent on intervention

This box will be unchecked for migrated nursing interventions

Include in 485

This box will be checked for migrated nursing interventions (only applies for US agencies)

External link


AlayaCare module


Nursing intervention in care plan library - Care Plan 1.0:


Intervention in care plan library - Care Plan 2.0:


ADLs/daily activities - care plan libraries

Care Plan 2.0 field

Data entered from corresponding Care Plan 1.0 field                                         

Intervention name                            

Daily activity description 

Intervention description


Intervention frequency type

Per Request will be selected as the frequency for all migrated library items

Intervention type

The type will correspond to the section selected for the item

Intervention tag


Related goal(s)


Intervention department


Intervention service


Required for visit completion

This box will be checked for migrated daily activities 

Capture time spent on intervention

This box will be unchecked for migrated daily activities

Include in 485

This box will be checked for migrated daily activities (only applies for US agencies)

External link


AlayaCare module


ADL/daily activity in care plan library - Care Plan 1.0:


Intervention in care plan library - Care Plan 2.0:


Learn more about care plan interventions.

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