Following your organization's migration to Forms 2.0 and Care Plan 2.0, you will notice certain differences in functionality and terminology across the web and mobile applications. This article provides an overview of those differences in the mobile application as well as information about the new functionality that is available with Care Plan 2.0.
- Viewing client care plans on mobile
- Reviewing and completing service tasks on mobile
- What new functionality is available in Care Plan 2.0?
Keep in mind that the options to available to you in the care plans may be different depending on which settings your system administrators have enabled. Your agency may not be using all care plan items as described in this article or may be using different naming conventions.
Viewing client care plans on mobile
In Care Plan 2.0, the client's care plan will still be found under the Care Plan tab on the mobile app. The same permissions as before control your ability to view the care plan and resolve/complete and archive care plan items. Note that only the client's active care plan will appear in this tab.
As with Care Plan 1.0, you cannot create a new care plan for a client from the mobile app. All care plans must be created from the web app. However, care providers with the right permissions can make changes to a client's care plan from the mobile app.
To view the care plan within the Care Plan tab, the ACL View Facility needs to be turned on for your role.
Care Plan tab - Care Plan 1.0:
Care Plan tab - Care Plan 2.0:
To archive or complete a goal in Care Plan 2.0, tap the three dots next to the item and select the action you wish to perform.
Interventions in Care Plan 2.0 are also the equivalent of daily activities. Each intervention has a set frequency that determines how often it will appear in the service tasks for a scheduled visit.
Certain goals will also appear in the Service Tasks tab depending on their progress tracking method. For these goals, you will be able to either mark the goal as complete or enter a percentage to represent how close the client is to achieving the goal.
Learn more
- How do I review my Client's Care Plan on mobile?
- How do I complete/resolve a Care Plan item (Diagnosis, Goal, or Intervention) on mobile?
- How do I archive a Care Plan item (Diagnosis, Goal, or Intervention) on mobile?
Completing, adding, and editing service tasks on mobile
In Care Plan 2.0, a visit's service tasks include interventions, goals, and any forms required for the visit or service. The forms previously found under Service Reports will now be located in the Forms section.
You must be clocked in to complete or comment on service tasks.
Service Tasks tab - Care Plan 1.0:
Service Tasks tab - Care Plan 2.0:
To fill out a form, tap the form name. For goals and interventions, tap the circle or box next to the goal or intervention you wish to update or mark as complete. To add a comment, tap the comment icon.
You can also add additional forms and interventions to the service tasks list by selecting the blue + button in the bottom right corner.
Users with the Edit Service Tasks after Work Session ACL also have the ability to add and complete service tasks after a visit is completed.
Learn more
What new functionality is available in Care Plan 2.0?
In addition to the improved design and user experience, Care Plan 2.0 gives you access to new functionality. The advantages include:
- Complete integration of the client's care plan and schedule through service tasks.
- Mandatory and non-mandatory interventions and the ability to enter the time of completion for select interventions.
- The ability to track goal progress for each visit.
- Ability to filter on the client's care plan by specific diagnoses, interventions, or goals to see which items they are linked to.
- Interventions that link to other care modules in AlayaCare.
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