How to Manage Capital and Consumables

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Adding a Capital or Consumable

1. Create a new visit on the client’s schedule using the Capital and Consumable Service that was created from the budget. Assign your Capital Consumable employee profile to this visit.

  • Note: The service used to schedule this visit must be linked to a budget.


2. Click the visit and navigate to the Premiums tab.

  • Add in the appropriate premium and enter the appropriate quantity (the quantity of the premium equates to the total cost of the item).



1. This visit should be approved following the usual business process. On the invoice generated within AlayaCare you will see:

  • One line item for the scheduled visit with a $0 rate.
  • A separate line item for each visit premium entered against the visit.

From the example shown, this will equate to four line items:


2.  The account balance for the client will decrease by the amount of the items charged.

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