What are the different types of claim I can void?
Claims with a status of draft, prepared, rejected, paid, or denied can be marked as void and resubmitted to the payor electronically via the clearinghouse, if necessary. If you have already voided a claim in the clearinghouse, you can mark the claim as void in AlayaCare so that it matches the record in the clearinghouse.
The void button will be available for draft and prepared claims as well as any open claims with a status of rejected, paid, or denied that have an internal control number (adjudication number). If a rejected, paid, or denied claim does not have an internal control number, the void button will be disabled until you enter the number on the claim.
To void claim with a status of draft or prepared, select the void button on the claim details screen.
Click void to continue.
The status of the claim will change to void, and visits included on the claim can now be generated into a new claim.
When voiding a rejected, paid, or denied claim, you will have two options in the void dialogue.
If you have already voided a rejected, paid, or denied claim in the clearinghouse and resent it to the payor, you can use select Void claim to reconcile with clearinghouse to set the claim status to void to match the clearinghouse.
To void a rejected, paid, or denied claim in AlayaCare and then resend it to the payor (via the clearinghouse), select void claim in AlayaCare and resend to clearinghouse.
Once you have selected, click void to continue.
If you are changing the status of the claim to reconcile it with the clearinghouse, the status of the claim will change to void, and all service lines on the claim will be voided.
If you are voiding the claim and resending it to the payor through the clearinghouse, the claim’s status will change to prepared so that it can be resent. The status will change to void after it is resubmitted, and all service lines will be voided.
Does ACC support bulk voiding?
Yes, AlayaCare Cloud supports bulk voiding electronic billing claims, but only draft or prepared claims, NOT sent or paid claims.
To bulk void your claims, navigate to Accounting>Billing>Electronic Billing Summary V2. Choose the funder for whom you wish to void claims. You may now click on the "More actions" drop down menu on the right, and select "Void claims".
Select all visits on the screen by checking the box besides the "Claim ID" column, or individually select the visits, then click "Void selected claims". An alert message will pop up before the process is complete. Please note that voiding a claim is final, and cannot be reversed.
For more information on this process, refer to the video below.
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