Why does the AlayaCare mobile app request certain permissions?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

When first downloading and setting up the AlayaCare care worker mobile application, you will be asked to grant the AlayaCare app certain permissions. Below you will find explanations for why each of these permissions is required by the app.



AlayaCare requires access to a user's location when the employee is clocking in and out of visits. The location is then sent to the web application so that the system can calculate the clock-in and clock-out distance of the employee from the client's address.

Please note that AlayaCare does not collect the user's location at any other time while they are using the app. 


The phone permission is required for the user to make phone calls to the client and their emergency emergency contacts directly from the app's interface.


Access to the user's photos and other files stored on the phone is necessary for certain clinical documentation workflows in the app, such as when uploading photos into a form or saving a PDF.


Access to the user's phone storage may be required for certain clinical documentation workflows that may require the care provider to retrieve and upload information from their mobile device or if applicable, from connected external devices.


AlayaCare requires access to the camera on the user's device in order to take and upload images into the app (for example, as part of a form).

Wi-Fi connection information

The AlayaCare app requires access to wi-fi connection details in order to connect to the internet and for offline mode to go into effect when configured to do so.

View network connections

This permission is required to ensure the AlayaCare app can access the internet and for offline mode to go into effect when configured to do so.

Full network access

This permission is required for the AlayaCare app to connect to the internet and make phone calls.

Run at startup

Access to the permission is necessary for checking for notifications and displaying the "clocked-in" notification. 

Prevent device from sleeping

This permission is required to allow the app to use CPU resources when it is running in the background. Note that this permission does not prevent the screen from going idle.

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