How do I upload visit attachments for a client?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

If care providers submit hard copies of documents related to client visits directly to your back-office team instead of submitting electronic forms through the mobile application, you can designate which employees will submit paper attachments and then attach the files to the correct visits from the attachments tab on the client profile. 

Configuring employment settings to allow care providers to submit visit attachments

For attachments to be required for visits assigned to a specific care provider, the employee must have the correct employment settings enabled on their profile.

Go to Employment>Employment Settings on the employee profile and select set/edit for the setting submit visit attachments.


In the dialogue, select yes to enable the setting and then click save.


mceclip2.png Important note: if you need to disable this setting for a care provider (for example, if they will be submitting forms electronically using the mobile application from now on instead of submitting paper documents), make sure that all their completed visit attachments have already been uploaded to the web application. If the setting is turned off before any remaining paper attachments are submitted, attachments will not be flagged as required for visits assigned to that employee.

Attaching documents to visits in client attachments

Once the care provider has submitted all documents pertaining to a client visit, a member of the back-office team can upload the documents to the client profile and attach them to visits.

ACL_image.png No new ACLs are required to complete this process. Any user with the Attachment>View attached documents patients ACL will be able to attach documents to visits.

To add an attachment to a visit, go to Care Documentation>Attachments on the client profile. Click upload file here or drag and drop the file to upload the document you wish to attach to a visit.


After uploading the document, click the downward arrow next to rename and select attach to visits.


In the resulting dialogue, you will be able to select which of the client’s visits you wish to attach the document to.


The attachment status will be electronic submission if the visit is assigned to an employee who does not have the employment setting that requires them to submit visit attachments. If the visit is assigned to an employee who does have the submit visit attachments setting enabled in employment settings, then the attachment status will be missing if the document has not yet been uploaded and complete if all visit attachments have already been marked as received.

You can filter the visit list by start date, end date, or assigned employee. You will only be able to view visits scheduled on or before today’s date.


Note that you can attach files of any type to visits, but only .pdf, .png, and .jpeg files attached to visits will be included in the PDF generated through client batch exports.

Once you have selected a visit to attach the document to, you can use the toggle to indicate whether all attachments for the visit have been received or not. The attachment status will remain missing until you select yes for all attachments received and select submit.


warning_icon.jpg Important note: once you mark all attachments as received for a visit, you will not be able to toggle the setting back to no. Make sure to only select yes once you are sure all attachments have been received.

When you are ready to continue, click submit.

The number of visits the document is attached to will be displayed in the visits column. Hover over the tooltip to view the visit IDs of the visits.


If you select attach to visits again, the attachment status will be complete since all attachments received was selected for the visit when submitting the last attachment.


warning_icon.jpg Important note: once a document is attached to a visit, it cannot be renamed or moved.

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