The client batch exports feature allows organizations to export clinical records pertaining to multiple clients and visits at once. Once you select which sections, clients, and visits you wish to include in the batch, the system will launch a background job to generate a zip folder that you can then download with the individual client chart PDFs for each client in the batch.
Getting Started
To view past batch exports and create a new batch, go to Clients > Client Charts.
On the client batch export page, you will see a list of all previously generated batches for clients listed with the Batch ID, Batch name, Batch category, Creation date, Selected visits date range, Employee who created the batch, Total clients included in the batch, and Batch status. To generate a new batch, click Create new batch.
In the create new batch dialogue, enter a Batch name.
You have the option to select an existing Batch category from the dropdown, or enter a new one. Batch categories can be used to organize batch exports according to your organization’s needs.
Choose the PDF naming format for each PDF that will be generated as part of the batch. The options currently available are Batch ID + AlayaCare Client ID and Batch Start Date + Client External ID + Last Name.
Finally, choose the start and end dates to include client records. Only records entered during these dates or tied to visits during this time frame will be included in the batch. Note that the start and end dates must be within 90 days after the start date, as shown in the sample below.
When you are ready, click on Apply to batch. On the next page, you can select the sections and subsections you wish to include in the PDFs that will be generated as part of the batch. The available sections are Header/footer, Cover page, Care plan, Meidcations, Date summary, Service task details, Client forms, Sub forms, Progress Notes, Visit attachments, and Visit Signatures.
Click to review the details that will be included in each section.
Please note that within each section, all checkboxes will be selected by default. Click the boxes to uncheck any sections or subsections that you do not wish to include in the generated PDFs. Note that if the data for a field, section, or subsection is not available for a client, visit, or date included in the batch, the corresponding section will not appear on the PDF for that client.
You can choose to include information from the following sections:
- Header/footer
- Cover page
- Care plan
- Medications
- Date Summary
- Service task details
- Client forms
- Subforms
- Progress notes
- Visit attachments
- Visit signatures
- Medications
The following subsections are available to select for the header and footer:
See the images below to see how the header and footer will be displayed on the final PDF.
Cover page
The following subsections are available to select for the cover page:
The image below shows how the cover page will appear in the final PDF when using the AlayaCare standard cover page template:
To learn how to use a custom template for the sections in client batch exports, please see How do I use custom templates for client batch exports?
Care plan
The following subsections are available to select for the care plan section:
Note that these sections correspond to the detailed print view of client care plans. See the images below to view how the care plan section will be displayed on the final PDF when using the AlayaCare standard care plan template:
The following subsections are available for selection:
Date Summary
The following subsections are available to select for the date summary section:
The image below shows how the section will be displayed on the final PDF:
Service task details
The following subsections are available to select for the service task details section:
The image below shows how the section will appear in the final PDF when using the AlayaCare standard service task details template:
Client forms
For the client forms section, you can choose to include all forms submitted for a client or only selected forms.
If selecting specific forms, choose whether you wish to include or exclude specific forms by selecting Only or All except from the dropdown. Then click on the "+" sign to select the form names. Note that you can only select forms to which you have access, as shown in the sample below.
In the PDF, forms will be grouped by submission date. All approved forms submitted for the client during the batch date range will be included in the PDF, even if they were completed for visits that were not selected for the batch.
For this section, you can choose to include all subforms submitted for a client or only selected subforms.
If selecting specific subforms, choose whether you wish to include or exclude specific subforms by selecting Only or All except from the dropdown. Then click on the "+" sign to select the subform names. Note that you can only select ones which you have access, like the "Forms" section above.
Progress notes
For this section, you can choose to include all progress note types or only selected types.
If selecting specific forms, choose whether you wish to include or exclude specific forms by selecting Only or All except from the dropdown. Then click on the "+" sign to select the form names. Note that you can only select forms to which you have access. The image below shows how the section will appear in the final PDF:
Visit attachments
If you choose to include visit attachments, any attachments linked to selected visits will be included in the PDFs generated as part of the batch.
Visit signatures
Learn more about visit signatures here.
When you are ready to save your selections, click Select PDF sections.
In the next step, select the criteria you wish to use for determining which clients are included in the batch. You can select individual clients by name, or you can select one or more client groups, tags, statuses, associated employees, or funders to determine which clients are included. Use the Visit date range dropdown if you wish to include or exclude clients based on whether they had or did not have visits during the date range selected.
Select Reset criteria if you wish to clear your selections. Click Apply criteria to generate a list of clients who match your criteria.
The clients who match the selected criteria will be listed with their name, Client ID, Date of birth, Client group, Client tags, Client status, Visits in the selected range, Funders, and Branch.
The number of visits scheduled for the client will be displayed in the Visits column. Hover over the to view how many visits are scheduled, completed, missed, or late.
If a client has fewer than two funders, the funder code and name will be displayed in the Funders column. If the client has more than two funders, hover over the to view the funder names.
If necessary, you can adjust the criteria used to search for clients and then click Update criteria to regenerate the client list.
To select clients for the batch, click the checkbox next to the client name, or select the checkbox in the top left corner to select all clients in the list.
When you have made your selection, click Select clients to proceed.
In the final step, select the criteria you wish to use to determine which visits are included in the batch. Note that this step will only apply if you are including visit-level information (such as Service task details or Visit attachments) in the batch of PDFs.
You can filter visits by assigned Employees, Employee departments, Visit approval status (approved, not approved, or rejected), Visit status (cancelled/on hold or scheduled), Attachments (has all attachments, doesn’t need attachment, or missing attachments), Cancellation reason, Attachments, Service departments, and Service codes.
Click Apply criteria to generate a list of visits that match your criteria.
The matching visits will be displayed below. For each visit, you will see the Visit ID, Visit start date/time, Visit end date/time, Client, Employee, Visit approval status, Visit status, Attachment status, Service department, Service code, Batch category, Batch name, Batch ID, and Branch (for multi-office organizations).
To select visits for the batch, click the checkbox next to the visit ID, or select the checkbox in the top left corner to select all visits in the list.
In the resulting dialogue, review the batch name, ID, category, PDF naming format, and start/end date for the batch you are exporting. The number of clients and visits selected for the batch will also be displayed. When you are ready to export, click Complete.
You will be returned to the list of client batch exports, and the background job for batch generation will be launched. Once the batch is ready, you will be able click Download to download the zip file and review the individual PDFs.
If the background job was not successful, click Retry to launch it again.
The following sub-sections are now available under Medication 2.0.
Selecting the Medication profile will generate a summary containing all medication information for the client. The summary includes the client's current medication status, Medication and dosage information, Timing information, Order information, and Discrepancy and reconciliation information.
Selecting the Medication Administration Record (MAR) means that all MARs for the month selected will then print. Please note that you must select the month and year of which MAR(s) you need to bulk print.
Note that this step of selecting a month is entirely independent of the batch date range - this means that you can select any month and year combined regardless of the batch date range. Please also note that only medications whose medication status is "Active" during the selected date range within the client’s medication profile will be displayed in the Blank template MAR.
⚠️ Please note that date ranges in client chart export use the start times of the visit, and not the end time. This will affect overnight visits that span across two days. Agencies can therefore export the batch and include overnight visits, by including the first day (i.e. the start day). ⚠️
To learn more about Medication 2.0, refer to this article.
To learn more about MARs, refer to this article.
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