How do I create custom templates for emails to Family Portal users?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Your organization can create different custom email templates for the four scenarios in which emails are sent to Family Portal users:

  • Forgot password: when a portal user forgets their password and needs to reset it.
  • User creation: when a Family Portal account is first created for a portal user.
  • Granting access: when granting an existing portal user access to a new Family Portal profile. These email notifications are optional and can be disabled.
  • Revoking access: when revoking a portal user’s access to a Family Portal profile. These email notifications are optional and can be disabled.

Creating custom templates

To edit the email templates, go to Settings>Family Portal Email Templates.


Next, select the tab that describes the scenario for which you wish to edit the template: forgot password, user creation, granting access, or revoking access.


Before your organization makes changes, a default subject line and message will be displayed.

You can edit the subject line using alpha-numeric characters. Use the editor below to customize the body of your email. Note that the editor accepts rich text formatting, including the support of images.

Important note: when creating a custom template for the forgot password or user creation scenarios, your message must contain certain parameters: {password} for the forgot password template and {username} and {password} for the user creation template. These parameters can appear anywhere you wish within the template. When the email is sent, the system will replace {username] with the user’s login email address and {password} with an automatically generated temporary password so that the user can set or reset their portal password.


For granting access and revoking access only: if you do not want to send an email to the portal user when they are granted access to a new client profile on the portal or when access is revoked, you can uncheck the box below the editor to disable email notifications for the scenario. An email notification is required for a user to set up a new account or reset a password.


When you are ready, click Save to save your changes to this tab.

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