How do I search for visits from the new scheduled visits page?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

The new scheduled visits page is a beta feature that allows you to search for all your upcoming scheduled visits from one place. You can access the scheduled visits page by going to schedules>scheduled visits.

warning_icon.jpg Please note that the beta scheduled visits screen is a still a work in progress. Later in the year, bulk actions on visits will become available to complete from this page. If you have any feedback on the functionality currently available on the scheduled visits screen, feel free to share it in the AlayaCare Ideas forum

ACL_image.png Permissions

The following ACL controls access the scheduled visits page:

  • Scheduling>View scheduled visits list: employees must be in a role with this ACL to access the scheduled visits page. 

The scheduled visits page is multi-office aware, meaning that at the branch level you will only be able to view clients, facilities, and visits that belong to that branch or any branches below it. You will only be able to view visits assigned to clients/facilities that belong to that branch or any subsidiary branches. 

If you are using group associations to manage employee access, employees will only be able to view clients, employees, and facilities within their group scope. 

Using the scheduled visits page

In the scheduled visits page, you will see a section where you can set criteria for the scheduled visits that you wish to search for. A list of visits that match your criteria will appear in the section below after you set your criteria and select search visits.


The following criteria are available when searching for scheduled visits:

  • Client: select one or more clients or facilities whose visits you wish to search for.
  • Employee: select one or more employees whose assigned visits you wish to search for. If you wish to search for visits that do not currently have an employee assigned, select vacant visits.
  • Facility: select one or more facilities whose visits you wish to search for.
  • Start date: use the from and to fields to enter a range of start dates for which you wish to review visits (for example, visits scheduled to start between April 1 and April 30, 2021). The first field will default to today's date but can adjusted to be in the past. At least one start date criteria is required.
  • Start time: use the from and to fields to enter a range of start times for which you wish to review visits (for example, visits starting between 7 pm and 11 pm). You can also click now to select the current time.
  • End time: use the from and to fields to enter a range of end times for which you wish to review visits (for example, visits ending between 9 pm and 11 pm). You can also click now to select the current time.
  • Days of the week: select one or more days of the week. If you select multiple days, you will see visits that occur on any of the days you selected.
  • Part of a recurrence: use this field to select whether you are looking for single visits, recurring visits, or all. Note that single modified visits are classified as recurring visits.
  • Branch: if you are using a multi-office environment and are in a branch that has subsidiary branches, you will be able to select one or more branches at which visits were scheduled. If your branch does not have subsidiary branches, this filter will not be displayed.

You can use the reset criteria button if you wish to clear your selections. 


Once you have selected your criteria, click search visits.


A list of visits that match your criteria will be displayed below. Each visit will be listed with its visit ID and where applicable, the client, employee, facility, start date, start time, end time, and duration associated with each visit. If you are viewing the page in a multi-office environment that has subsidiary branches, you will also see the branch that the visit is belongs to.


This icon will be displayed in the start date column when a visit is part of a recurrence:


If the visit ends the day after the start date, this icon will be displayed in the end time column:


You can click on the hyperlinked visit ID to open the visit dialogue for more details, or click on the client/employee/facility name to open the client/employee/facility profile.


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