Feature Overview: Visit Signatures

AlayaCare Support Associate
AlayaCare Support Associate
  • Updated

The visit signatures feature in AlayaCare allows care providers to record client signatures during visits — or document the reason that a client was unable to sign — in the service tasks tab on the web or mobile application. Information about the signatures captured will then be available to review and download from the visit signatures tab under care documentation on the client profile.

Roles and permissions

The following ACL is required to access the visit signatures tab on client profiles:

  • Employee > View visit signature reports

All employees with access to a client's service tasks will be able to complete the visit signature task for visits, as long as the visit signatures feature is enabled.

Configuring visit signatures

The visit signatures feature flag must be enabled in Settings > Features to use his feature. 


Once the feature is turned on, you must configure the system settings and form context fields required for the visit signature feature.

System settings

To configure the system settings for visit signatures, go to Settings > System settings > Visit signature settings.


The following settings can be modified according to your organization's preferences:

  • Visit signature section name: this field controls the name of the section that will appear in the service tasks tab of a visit on web and mobile. The default name will be visit signatures.
  • Visit signature name: this field controls the name of the signature field where the signature will be recorded on web or mobile. The default name will be client signature.
  • Visit signature reason codes: these codes will be options available to select in the reason code dropdown when a care provider is unable to collect a signature during a visit. The default values are Client Physically Unable to Sign, Client Not Feeling Well, Client Refused to Sign, Client Absent, and Client Asleep at End of Visit. You can edit or remove these options as well as add new codes to the list.
  • Visit signature can be collected label: this label represents the text that will be displayed to the care provider when indicating whether or not the client is able to provide a signature. The options for this field are yes or no. The default label will be Is the client able to sign?

Form context field: signature attestation on file

To determine whether or not a care provider is required to collect the client's signature during visits, a signature attestation on file checkbox field must be added as a form context field to the demographics tab of the client profile.

When signature attestation on file is checked off for a client, employees will not be prompted to collect the client's signature when clocked in to a visit. If the field is unchecked, If the field is not checked, the visit signature task will be displayed in service tasks for care providers to complete during visits. 


If this field has not yet been set up in your environment, go to Settings > Form context and follow the steps below:

1. Select add attribute.


2. Set the description and tag as has_signature_attestation_on_file. Select checkbox as the input type and general as the family. When you finished, click ok.


3. Check the box under client demographics for the new form context field. 


The field will now be available to configure in the demographics tab of client profiles. By default the field will be unchecked.

Capturing visit signatures on web 

If you are using the web app to document visits, the visit signatures section of service tasks will appear directly under interventions. 


After clocking in to a visit, you will be able to click to select the visit signature task to capture the client's signature or select the reason that the signature could not be collected. The task must be completed to clock out of the visit.


When prompted, selected yes or no depending on whether the client is able to sign for the visit.


If you select yes, a signature field will appear where the client can enter their signature. 


if you select no, you must select a reason code to explain why the signature could not be collected during the visit. 


You will only be able to clock out of the visit once the visit signature task has been completed. The only exception to this rule is if a signature is required and the care provider is using IVR, they will be able to clock out without completing the signature task. In this situation, the reason code clocked out via IVR will be automatically provided. This reason code is hardcoded and cannot be configured in system settings.

After you have clocked out, you will not be able to make changes to the signature task. 

Capturing visit signatures on mobile

If you are using the mobile app to capture signatures during visits, open a visit and go to the service tasks tab.

After clocking in to a visit, you will be able to tap to select the client signature task under visit signatures to capture the client's signature or select the reason that the signature could not be collected. This task must be completed to clock out of the visit.


When prompted, selected yes or no depending on whether the client is able to sign for the visit.


If you select yes, a signature field will appear where the client can enter their signature. Click submit to complete the signature task. 


if you select no, you must select a reason code to explain why the signature could not be collected during the visit. Click submit to complete the signature task. 


You will only be able to clock out of the visit once the visit signature task has been completed.


Reviewing visit signatures and printing signature task reports 

To review the signatures collected during client visits and print signature task reports, navigate to the visit signatures tab under care documentation on the client's profile.

Each visit will be listed with a report ID, start date and time of visit (according to when the employee clocked in to the visit), end date and time of visit (according to when the employee clocked out of the visit), service, employee name, signature status (required or not required depending on whether has signature attestation on file is not checked or checked), and signature acquisition (acquired, not acquired, or signature attestation on file). 


If a signature was required but not acquired during a visit, you can hover over the info_icon.png  icon to display the reason code selected by the care provider. 


You can filter the list of visit signatures by start or end date of visit, signature status (all, required, or not required), signature acquisition (all, acquired, or not acquired), and client services.


Select print all to download or print signature task reports for all visits or select print for individual visit signatures. If filters are applied to the list, they will be taken into account if print all is selected.


From the print signature task window, select  download_icon.png to download the file as a PDF or  print_icon_chrome.png  to print the document.


The report will contain the following information:

  • Agency name: the agency name entered in settings>agency information>general information.
  • Agency address: the agency address entered in settings>agency information>address.
  • Agency logo: the agency address entered in settings>agency information>logo.
  • Visit date and time: the scheduled visit date and start and end time of the visit.
  • Clock-in/clock-out date and time: the clock-in and clock-out times recorded for the visit.
  • Client name: the client's first and last name. 
  • Client address: the client's address from the demographics tab on their profile.
  • Client signature: the client signature captured during the visit if applicable. 
  • Signature status: required or not required, depending on whether has signature attestation on file is checked or unchecked.
  • Reason signature was not acquiredthe reason code selected if a signature was not acquired during the visit or signature attestation on file if has signature attestation on file is checked.
  • Employee name: the name of the employee who completed the visit. 
  • Service: the client service the visit was completed for.
  • Interventions: interventions scheduled for the visit will be listed with a checkmark if they are required and completed. If the intervention could not be completed, the comment provided will be listed as the explanation note.

The information will be displayed in the PDF template below:


NEW: Bulk Print Visit Signature Reports via Client Charts

As of January 2023, administrators who need to print visit signature reports will have access to a feature which increases their efficiency. A Visit Signatures module will be available within the Client Charts feature, where users can then print the visit signature reports in bulk for a set number of clients and visits within a given date range.

Getting Started

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To start, head to Care Delivery > Signatures. The visit signature reports can be viewed or downloaded as PDF individually or in bulk, per individual client profile. 

If an administrator needs to download the visit signature report pdfs for more than one client at a time, they are to use the Client Charts feature.

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Administrators should then create a new client charts batch export by setting the date parameters.

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Administrators are to then set the appropriate filters to select the clients needed for the batch export. If visit signatures need to be sent along with invoices to a payor, the administrator may filter for the funder when selecting the clients. Once the clients have been selected within the data grid, click on “Select clients”.

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Administrators are to then set the appropriate filters to select visits that require the visit signatures report. If visit signatures need to be sent along with invoices to a payor, then a billing administrator may filter for “Approved” visits using the “Visit approval” filter. This ensures that only visits approved for invoicing will have a matching visit signature PDF in this batch. Once the visits have been selected, click on “Select visits”.

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Users should then review and complete the batch.

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Please note that the standard visit signature template is available for download via Settings > Document Templates. The ODT file can be modified using Libre Office. The data points available to be included in the template are the same as the service task template listed in this article

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Once editing is finished, upload the custom template under the Visit Signature category, and set it as default so it can be directly used for each new batch. Once set as default, the custom template will also be applied for printing the report on the individual client profile, within the Visit Signature module. 

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