Adding Field Tags to Forms for Custom Templates

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Once you have designed your template, you will need to build the corresponding form in AlayaCare. When adding each field to the form, you will need to enter the field tag entered on the corresponding field on the template to ensure the fields map correctly. You can edit field tags on forms of any status (draft, active, or archived).

Adding field tags to a form 

1. Open a form in the form builder in AlayaCare.

2. Add a basic component to the form or click the Edit_icon.png icon on one of the form’s basic components. Note that field tags cannot be added to advanced form components.

3. Enter the field tag exactly how it appears for the corresponding field in your custom template. The names of the fields must match exactly for the output to be successfully generated. Note that field tags cannot begin with a number or underscore (_) or contain special characters. Use underscores (_) instead of spaces (snake case).

Field on template:


Field tag on form:



When you have finished entering information about the field, select save. Note that you can only use the same field tag once per version of a form. 


⚠️ When building a form that will use a custom template, you should avoid using dropdown and multi-select components as it will not be possible to correctly render the data. Instead, use the checkbox component to display the options that the user should be able to select from. ⚠️

For example, in the Assessment Type section of the form below, the information component was used to provide a description (field 13) and checkboxes were used to display the options available to select for the question (14-16).

In the form builder:


In the template:


You can use display logic when building your form as long as all possible fields are included on the template and mapped using field tags to the right form fields.

You can also add additional information to the form in AlayaCare that you do not wish to appear in the template. Any fields added to the form that do not have field tags will not appear in the final, printed output.

Latest Updates

In June 2023, we released a modification to custom form and care plan (batch client charts) printing to include employee attributes, via a patch release. This is now applicable to all those who have requested employee fields (job title, in particular). 

For custom care plan templates (accessible via System Settings> Document Templates):
The following attributes can now be added: full_name, job_title, email, phone_main. To include any of these fields on the template, follow the formatting <<employee.field_tag>> in the care plan custom template. Examples include <<employee.full_name>>, <<employee.job_title>>, <<>>, <<employee.phone_main>>.

For custom form templates:

Any form context field can now be included. To include an employee form context field on a Docmosis template, add <<employee.field_tag>> per custom form context field. For example, the form context field "Job Title" can be captured on a custom form template using the tag <<employee.job_title>>.

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