Data Exploration 2.0 FAQ

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the latest version of AlayaCare's business intelligence tool, Data Exploration 2.0.

Content and Functionality

How do I access Data Exploration 2.0?

Users can now directly access the Data Exploration 2.0 from the landing page. Refer to this article for more information.

I can’t find some of the fields I use in Data Exploration 1.0. Will you be adding more dimensions, measures, and Explores to Data Exploration 2.0?

All fields from Data Exploration 1.0 have been added into Data Exploration 2.0. In some cases, multiple cubes were consolidated into the same explore. Refer to our Introducing Data Exploration 2.0 article for a mapping of which explore to use.

How do form context fields get added to Data Exploration 2.0?

New form context fields created in Settings > Form Context will be automatically added to Data Exploration 2.0 within 24 hours of their creation. Once added, the refresh rate of form context fields will be the same as any other field in Data Exploration 2.0 (two hours or less).

Will forms and care plan data be available to report on in Data Exploration 2.0? How can I request another Explore to be added?

The initial scope of Data Exploration 2.0 is content parity with Data Exploration 1.0. Once the initial launch is complete, we will be prioritizing the creation of new Explores and fields in Data Exploration 2.0. The ability to report on forms and care plan data will be planned and prioritized at this time. Continue to submit any requests for new data you would like to see in Data Exploration 2.0 to our ideas forum for our team to review.

Will I be able to create folders for my saved content in Data Exploration 2.0 like I can in Data Exploration 1.0?

Yes, the ability to create folders in Data Exploration 2.0 has been released, and can be completed by clicking the + Create Folder button from the Data Exploration 2.0 landing page. The ability to delete and rename folders is currently a priority in our pipeline.

Can I rename or delete folders?

Yes, you can click on the corresponding icon to the folder to rename or delete folders in Data Exploration 2.0. 

Can I create a copy of a report to make changes without impacting the original?

You can recreate an existing Look or Dashboard and save it under a different name. The newly saved report will contain any changes and the parameters will remain untouched in the original.

Will I be able to move reports between my agency and personal sections?

You can open and re-save a copy of a Look between any of the Personal, Group and Shared sections, as long as you have the required permissions to save in that section.

What's the difference between the Personal, Group and Shared sections?

Personal is the equivalent to My Reports from Data Exploration 1.0, and is a user's dedicated space where only they have access to view and edit reports. Shared is the equivalent to Agency Reports, where all users can view and/or edit reports depending on their permissions. Group is a newly created section in Data Exploration 2.0. It is intended to be used as a collaborative space by a core team of individuals. Common use cases are to store sensitive reports that general users shouldn't view, or to use as a workspace for in progress reports, allowing your team to refine any parameters before releasing to the remaining users. The Group section is all-access, meaning users with that permission can both view and create/edit Group Looks.

You can incorporate Looks from Data Exploration 1.0 into the AlayaCare live dashboard as widgets. Can you also do this in 2.0?

The ability to add Dashboards to the AlayaCare live dashboard is in development and will be available soon.

Note: you will need to create new dashboards in Data Exploration 2.0 for reports you wish to save in your AlayaCare live dashboard. Your existing widgets built for Data Exploration 1.0 reports will not be migrated over. 

You can schedule a recurring report based on a set frequency in Data Exploration 1.0. Can you also do this for Looks in Data Exploration 2.0?

Our team is currently investigating the development for the ability to schedule Looks on a set frequency.

Is it possible to increase the default number of rows from 500? I want to see all my data at once.

By default, Looker only displays the first 500 rows within the UI. This is to ensure that the speed and performance of Data Exploration are not negatively impacted. You can increase this number up to 5,000 rows. However, if the report has more than 5,000 rows and you want to view the full dataset, you need to select All Results as the Limit, then download the report. Only the downloaded file will display all rows.

What environments will Data Exploration 2.0 be available in? What will the refresh rates be for each environment?

Data Exploration 2.0 will be available in production and UAT environments only. The refresh rate in production environments is every 2 hours (or less) between 7am and 6pm in your local time. The refresh rate in UAT environments is every 24 hours.

I can't download reports with the results of merged queries. How do I download this data?

The results of merged queries cannot be saved or downloaded as an individual Look. If you wish to save merged results, you will need to save them as a tile on a dashboard. You can then download the results by downloading the entire dashboard and selecting CSV as the format. The results from the merged queries will be available as one of the CSV files available in a zip folder for each of the dashboard tiles.

How often is data refreshed in Data Exploration 2.0?

Refer to the latest refresh schedule here.

Would invoiced visits be the same as approved visits? For example, for the month of January reports are pulling 10,000 approved visits, but the billing period under accounting show only 5,000 approved visits. Why is there a discrepancy?

Invoiced Visits will not always be the same as Approved Visits, since some Approved visits can be approved but not invoiced. In this scenario, you are suggested to add the Billing Period Start/End Date and Billing Period ID fields, so to confirm which Billing Period the data is pulling from.

Since the report is built in Invoice Item Explore, it will only pull the Visits in that Billing period that are Invoiced which is what's reflected in the report. If you just want to pull Approved Visits for a specific time frame, whether or not they are invoiced, we recommend building your report using Visit Explore instead of Invoice Item Explore.

Why is my report showing two different entries, even though it is for the same visit?

An example would be that your DE 2.0 report is showing a discrepancy in IDs. For example, the employee name of the report shows an ID #01234, but when it gets entered into a client's schedule, it is showing employee/staff ID #05678 instead.

When situations like these happen, we ask that you check to see if you have pulled in the right field, since field names can be similar under DE 2.0. In the example above, the field "Employee update full name" was used, and as such the report will identify the user who has made the most recent update to the corresponding visit, but not the employee who is actually attached to the visit. To make sure the report is generating data for the employee attached to the visit (not the one who updated visit details), make sure you use the field "Employee full name" under the Employee dimension. 

Report Migration

Will I be able to access my reports from Data Exploration 1.0 in Data Exploration 2.0?

All reports have been migrated from Data Exploration 1.0 and can be accessed from Data Exploration 2.0 via the Personal or Shared sections. We continue to conduct regular data releases to support debugging of any reported issues.

Important Note: for a user’s My Reports to be migrated, the user must have logged in to Data Exploration 2.0 at least once. Please make sure Data Exploration 2.0 is enabled and properly configured in your environment and notify all users who have personal reports they will need to go to the Data Exploration 2.0 tab and select an Explore at least once before their reports will be migrated. The final date for users to complete this action has been extended to November 12, 2021.

When validating your migrated reports, please follow the guidelines found here. If you notice any discrepancies in your report migration in Data Exploration 2.0, please file a support ticket with AlayaCare, so our Data team can review the issue. 

Will all reports be migrated from Data Exploration 1.0 to Data Exploration 2.0?

All agency and personal reports (assuming the user has accessed a Data Exploration 2.0 Explore at least once) from Data Exploration 1.0 will be migrated to Data Exploration 2.0 except for reports containing MDX (multi-dimensional expressions). MDX is the query language used for calculated measures in Pentaho (Data Exploration 1.0), including the user defined measures for "% of Rank, Running Sum" and "Trend Measure".

For Agency Reports containing MDX, our team has recreated the queries in a Look in Data Exploration 2.0. These reports can be access the same way as any migrated report. As our team does not have access to your My Reports, any personal reports containing MDX will not be migrated to Data Exploration 2.0 and will need to be re-created. If you require assistance in translating a query into Data Exploration 2.0 prior to the Data Exploration 1.0 sunset date, create a support ticket for our team to review.

Once agency reports and personal reports are migrated to Data Exploration 2.0, will changes made to the reports in Data Exploration 1.0 be reflected in the reports that were migrated to Data Exploration 2.0?

The final snapshot of Data Exploration 1.0 reports was taken September 30, 2021. As of October, no changes made to reports in Data Exploration 1.0 will be reflected in Data Exploration 2.0.

If you wish to create new reports or add changes to migrated reports, you should make them in Data Exploration 2.0.

Will our organization receive a notification once all our reports have been migrated?

Due to the nature of the migration script, we will not be able to notify you once all your organization's reports have been migrated. Beginning November 3, 2021 a status report will appear weekly in your Operations Reports (Dashboard > Operations Reports) which will outline the status of each report and its location in Data Exploration 2.0. It is important to make sure you are checking the migrated reports regularly and running them in Data Exploration 2.0 to ensure that there are no issues that need to be reported and resolved.

Sunsetting of Data Exploration 1.0

When will I lose access to data and reports in Data Exploration 1.0?

The sunset date for Data Exploration 1.0 is planned for May 2, 2022. After this date you will not have access to the Data Exploration 1.0 module and any data within.

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