Data Exploration 2.0 Landing Page

Rita Pang
Rita Pang
  • Updated
AlayaCare has recently made significant improvements to the Data Exploration 2.0 usage experience. Data Exploration 2.0 can now be accessed as a tab on the AlayaCare Cloud app's landing page. Highlights to the new navigation include:
  • The library: a function which provides a better, less clustered setup and easier report navigation
  • Folder creation: folder creation and management was always possible in Data Exploration 2.0. With the new release, users can now better visualize, and find with greater ease, the folders and where they are hosted
  • Saving the dashboard: users can now save dashboards and looks to the landing page, which will give them a customized and familiar look every time they access the Data Exploration 2.0 tab

When logging into ACC, users will now see the Data Exploration 2.0 as a tab on their landing page.


The following dialog will then appear. Review the content and click on "Got it" to close this dialog. It will not show up the next time you access the Data Exploration 2.0 tab.


Users will now be able to access the Data Exploration 2.0 feature directly.


Watch the below video for a walkthrough on this new functionality.

For additional usage support and instructions on using this feature, refer to the Data Exploration 2.0 FAQ.

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