This article covers some of the most common and basic scenario settings within AlayaCare Connector.
- Scenario activation
- Scenario schedule
- Scenario name
- Selecting the first bundle
- Number of returned bundles
- Advanced scenario settings
Scenario activation
Scenarios can be active or inactive. You can change the scenario status by clicking the "ON/OFF" button in the scenario. Learn more about setting up a scenario and what it is here.
Scenario schedule
Active scenarios are executed according to a schedule.
Scenario name
To rename a scenario, open the scenario, click on the scenario's name in the top left corner and edit it as you see fit. Pressing the ENTER key or clicking outside the edited field will save the scenario under a new name.
Selecting the first bundle
Triggers allow you to select the first bundle that you want to process in the scenario.
Number of returned bundles
Modules, by default, always return only two bundles. Users can change this within the module settings in the field "Maximum number" of returned bundles.
Advanced scenario settings
This allows users to configure a number of other advanced settings.
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