Item data types

Rita Pang
Rita Pang
  • Updated

Every bundle contains several items, and the type of item may differ. The item types available on AlayaCare Connector are shown below. For more information, refer to the article on Type Coercion


The most common type is text. For some text items, Integromat checks whether the maximum or minimum allowed length is met or performs format validation (email, URL, or file name).


For some numerical items, Integromat may validate the input for a specified range (the minimum or maximum allowed value).

Boolean (Yes/No)

This type is used for items with only two possible values: true or false. An example is the "This document is private" option shown when creating documents with the Basecamp modules.

When setting up the modules, the Boolean type can appear in two different forms:

The compulsory check box is shown in case the field is mandatory and must be filled in.

Optional fields that can be left blank are displayed as a selection box allowing selection among three values: YesNo and Not defined(default). If you need to map an item from another module, click on "Map". This will allow you to map the value to a text field.


The date is entered in the following date format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. The time zone can be adjusted under "profile settings". If you fill in a field that requires entering a date, the pop-up calendar will be displayed in the module settings. The time is not required for some items.

Data value display

Values of Date items in bundle inspector are formatted using the locale and the timezone specified in your Profile (accessible via Time zone options> Web). If the ISO value does not show up, the item is not a Date but probably a Text.


The time is entered in the hours:minutes:seconds format, e.g. 14:03:52.

Buffer (binary data)

File content is usually sent as Buffer type (image content, video file and others). In some cases, there is text data included in this type (e.g. text file). Integromat is able to automatically convert text data in binary code to text (and vice versa). 


A collection is an item consisting of several subitems. An example of a collection is the "Sender" item in an email message. It contains the sender name (text type) and the sender email address (text type).

Select (menu)

When you configure the module settings, the select menu lets you select from several items of the same type. An example is the folder select menu in the settings of the Dropbox modules. When setting modules, the select menu can appear in two forms:

If multiple selection is possible, several items with checkboxes will be displayed below.

If only one option is possible, a drop-down menu will be shown. Clicking this menu will bring up a selection of available options. If you need to map an item from another module, click on "Map". Clicking this button will open a text field instead of the selection menu.


The array type is used for working with several values of the same type, including collections. An example is the Email modules return an array of attachments and each attachment contains name, content, size, etc.


Integromat may perform validation on each type of item. If an item does not pass the validation, the processing of the module will terminate because of the Data Error. For example, the Twitter modules do not allow a tweet (text type) that exceeds the maximum of 280 characters to be sent. Typing more than 280 characters means that your scenario will end as it runs into an error.

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