Filling in an OASIS form

Rita Pang
Rita Pang
  • Updated

This article will offer step-by-step instructions on how to fill in on OASIS form.

Adding and filling in an OASIS form

To start, navigate to Care Documentation> Client profile> Forms, click on the drop down menu “Add Client Form” and select “Add OASIS form”.


Select the “Service”, “RFA (Reason for Assessment)” and “OASIS version”. Click on “Start Filling”.


⚠️ Please note that based on the latest OASIS completed for the patient against the service, the next suggested OASIS will be displayed as a guide. This will not restrict the form selection if a different OASIS RFA is required. At this point in time, when you start pre-filling the OASIS form, you will notice that patient demographic and ICD-10 codes are already pre-populated into the corresponding OASIS fields.

Permissions Required (ACLs)

Permissions required for this task will be the same as a regular form building task. The form-specific ACLs are “Restrict View to” and “Restrict Submit to”. You will find these permissions by navigating to Settings> Roles and Permissions. Select the role which applies to you for a list of applicable ACLs.


Fields pulled to OASIS

The following fields will be pulled into the OASIS fields from the patient profile:

  • M0020 Patient ID: ACC ID associated with the patient profile
  • M0040 Patient first name: First name of the client profile
  • M0040 Patient last name: Last name of the client profile
  • M0050 Patient state of residence: State listed in the client profile that lives within patient demographics; the pathway to access this is patient demographics> address > state. If the state listed on the profile does not map directly to one of the state dropdown options in the OASIS question, it will be displayed as “not set”.
  • M0060 Patient zip: Zip code listed under the client profile’s address
  • M0069 Patient gender: Gender listed on the client profile. If listed as “other” on the profile, the OASIS question will be displayed as “not set”.
  • M1021 Primary diagnosis code: ICD-10 code from the patient’s medical history. The pathway to access this is medical history> current diagnoses.
  • M1023 Other diagnosis 1-5: the remaining first five ICD-10 codes from the patient’s medical history (pathway: medical history> current diagnoses). The order will be listed from top to bottom per the patient’s profile.

While the above-mentioned fields will pre-populate into the respective OASIS fields, they will still be editable within the form. To change any of these fields in your future submissions, data must be updated on the client profile itself.

Validate and submit the OASIS form

Validating the form

To validate the OASIS field entries according to their sections, users are to then navigate to the "Review" section as shown below.


Submitting the form

If certain required OASIS fields have yet to be filled, these fields will now appear as “Errors”. Users will not be able to submit the form until these fields are filled in accordingly.


All OASIS fields will now go through validation for clinical logic checks, which is done via an integrated third-party library. Any warning messages generated will appear in-line within the corresponding OASIS field. Once all errors have been resolved, the form can be submitted.

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