The following are some of the most common error messages on OASIS. Review the below instructions on how to resolve them.
- M0032_ROC_DT Resumption of Care Date
- M0032_ROC_DT Resumption of Care Date
- Branch ID
- M0140 Race/Ethnicity
- Primary diagnosis M1021_PRIMARY_DIAG_ICD
- M1030 Therapies the patient receives at home
- M2200 Therapy Need
- Any falls since SOC/ROC (J1800)
M0032_ROC_DT Resumption of Care Date
Field: M0032_ROC_DT Resumption of Care Date (when filled)
DATE ITEM CONSISTENCY: PATTERN 2 Each active item in the list below that contains a valid date (not blank) must be in the specified order. If M0032_ROC_DT is NOT equal to [^], then the following rules apply: M0066_PAT_BIRTH_DT < M0030_START_CARE_DT <= M1005_INP_DISCHARGE_DT <= M0102_PHYSN_ORDRD_SOCROC_DT <=M0032_ROC_DT <=M1307_OLDST_STG2_ONST_DT <=M0906_DC_TRAN_DTH_DT <=M0090_INFO_COMPLETED_DT <=Current date
If there is an applicable Resumption of Care Date (M0032_ROC_DT is filled), then the following dates must be in chronological order:
Date of Birth (M066_PAT_BIRTH_DT) comes before the Start of Care Date (M0030_START_CARE_DT); that comes before or is equal to the Inpatient Discharge Date (M1005_INP_DISCHARGE_DT); that comes before or is equal to the Physician Ordered SOC/ROC Date (M0102_PHYSN_ORDRD_SOCROC_DT); that comes before or is equal to the Resumption of Care Date (M0032_ROC_DT); that comes before or is equal to the Date of onset of oldest stage 2 pressure ulcer (M1307_OLDST_STG2_ONST_DT); that comes before or is equal to Discharge, transfer, death date (M0906_DC_TRAN_DTH_DT); that comes before the Date of assessment (M0090_INFO_COMPLETED_DT); that comes before or is equal to the upload date. |
M0032_ROC_DT Resumption of Care Date
Field: M0032_ROC_DT Resumption of Care Date (when blank)
“Each active item in the list below that contains a valid date (not blank) must be in the specified order. If M0032_ROC_DT is equal to [^], then the following rules apply: M0066_PAT_BIRTH_DT < M1005_INP_DISCHARGE_DT <= M0102_PHYSN_ORDRD_SOCROC_DT <= M0030_START_CARE_DT <= M1307_OLDST_STG2_ONST_DT <= M0906_DC_TRAN_DTH_DT <= M0090_INFO_COMPLETED_DT <= Current date”
If the Resumption of Care Date (M0032_ROC_DT) is left blank, then the following dates must be in chronological order:
Date of Birth (M066_PAT_BIRTH_DT) comes before the Inpatient Discharge Date (M1005_INP_DISCHARGE_DT); that comes before or is equal to the Physician Ordered SOC/ROC Date (M0102_PHYSN_ORDRD_SOCROC_DT); that comes before or is equal to the Start of Care Date (M0030_START_CARE_DT); that comes before or is equal to the Resumption of Care Date (M0032_ROC_DT); that comes before or is equal to the Date of onset of oldest stage 2 pressure ulcer (M1307_OLDST_STG2_ONST_DT); that comes before or is equal to Discharge, transfer, death date (M0906_DC_TRAN_DTH_DT); that comes before the Date of assessment (M0090_INFO_COMPLETED_DT); that comes before or is equal to the upload date. |
Branch ID
Field: Branch ID (M0016_BRANCH_ID)
If the branch ID field (M0016) contains a branch ID (not N or P), then a branch state (M0014) is required.
If the assessment was performed by an HHA which has a branch, then the Branch State (M0014_BRANCH_STATE) must be answered, in addition to a Branch ID (M0016_BRANCH_ID). |
If there is no Branch ID, then enter the corresponding code (N - Assessment was performed by an HHA which has no branches or by a subunit which has no branches OR P - Assessment was performed by the home office of an HHA which has branches or by the home office of a subunit which has branches) in the text box for (M0016_BRANCH_ID) and leaving the Branch State (M0014_BRANCH_STATE) unanswered. |
M0140 Race/Ethnicity
Field: M0140 Race/Ethnicity
Ethnicity (M0140) must be answered.
At least one of the checkboxes within the M0140 question box must be checked. |
Field: This Assessment is Currently Being Completed for the Following Reason (M0110_ASSMT_REASON)
If M0100_ASSMT_REASON = [01,03] and M1322_NBR_PRSULC_STG1 and M1311_NBR_PRSULC_STG2_A1 and M1311_NBR_PRSULC_STG3_B1 and M1311_NBR_PRSULC_STG4_C1 are all equal to [00,^], then if M1324_STG_PRBLM_ULCER is active it must be equal to [NA].
If the reason for assessment is a Start of Care (M0100_ASSMT_REASON = 01) or Resumption of Care (M0100_ASSMT_REASON = 03), then, the following rules apply for the “Integumentary Status” section:
IF all of the questions within the 1311 Current Number of Unhealed Pressure Ulcers/Injuries at Each Stage are skipped (ie. If the previous question, M1306_UNHLD_STG2_PRSER_ULCR is answered 0.No) OR all answered with the value “0” or “00”, THEN Stage of Most Problematic Unhealed Pressure Ulcer/Injury that is Stageable (1324_STG_PRBLM_ULCER) should be marked as “NA.Patient has no pressure ulcers or no stageable pressure ulcers” |
Primary diagnosis M1021_PRIMARY_DIAG_ICD
Field: Primary diagnosis M1021_PRIMARY_DIAG_ICD (also applicable for Other Diagnosis 1-5)
If M0100_ASSMT_REASON=[01,03] and if the Primary/Other ICD code in Column 2 is NOT equal to [^] AND character 1 of the ICD code is NOT equal to [V,W,X,Y,Z,v,w,x,y,z], then the corresponding severity code must not equal [^].
If the Diagnosis ICD code entered does not start with any of the letters: V,W,X,Y,Z,y,w,x,y,z; then the Diagnosis Severity Rating (M1021_PRIMARY_DIAG_SEVERITY and the equivalents for Other Diagnosis 1-5 Severity) must be answered. Otherwise, leave the severity rating BLANK. |
M1030 Therapies the patient receives at home
Field: M1030 Therapies the patient receives at home
If M0100_ASSMT_REASON=[01,03] AND M1030_THH_NONE_ABOVE = [0], then at least one active item from M1030_THH_IV_INFUSION through M1030_THH_ENT_NUTRITION must equal [1]
At least one of the three therapies listed (M1030_THH_IV_INFUSION, M1030_THH_PAR_NUTRITION, M1030_ENT_NUTRITION) must be checked OR None of the Above (M1030_THH_NONE_ABOVE) is checked. |
Field: Does this patient have at least one Unhealed Pressure Ulcer/Injury at Stage 2 or Higher or designated as Unstageable? (M1306_UNHLD_STG2_PRSR_ULCR)
Error message:
If M0100_ASSMT_REASON = [01,03,09] and M1306_UNHLD_STG2_PRSR_ULCR = [1], then at least one of the following items must be greater than [00]: M1311_NBR_PRSULC_STG2_A1, M1311_NBR_PRSULC_STG3_B1, M1311_NBR_PRSULC_STG4_C1, M1311_NSTG_DRSG_D1, M1311_NSTG_CVRG_E1, and M1311_NSTG_DEEP_TSUE_F1.
In other words: If this field is answered as “1.Yes”, indicating that the patient has at least one unhealed pressure ulcer/injury at Stage 2 or higher or designated as unstageable, then at least one of the M1311 Unhealed Pressure Ulcers/Injuries should have an entered value greater than 1. |
M2200 Therapy Need
Field: M2200 Therapy Need
Error message:
If M0100_ASSMT_REASON = [01,03] and M2200_THER_NEED_NA = [1], then if M2200_THER_NEED_NBR is active it must equal [^].
In other words: Either a number of therapy visits (M2200_THER_NEED_NBR) should be entered OR not applicable (M2200_THER_NEED_NA) should be checked. |
Any falls since SOC/ROC (J1800)
Field: Any falls since SOC/ROC (J1800)
If J1800=[1], then all active items from J1900A through J1900C must not equal [^] and at least one of these items must equal [-,1,2]
In other words: If there are reported falls answered in J1800 as “1.Yes”, then all of the following three questions for the number of falls (J1900A, J1900B, J1900C) must be answered. |
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