How do I add, edit, delete Employee Roles and grant Permissions (ACLs)?

AlayaCare Support Associate
AlayaCare Support Associate
  • Updated

ACLs (Access Control Lists) are narrow permissions for specific features that can be selected for different user RolesRoles can be created, and ACLs selected accordingly, to configure access to the needs of an agency's staff. 

Adding a role

To start, go to Settings > Roles & Permissions. To add a role, click on Add Role.


In the Create a Role dialogue, enter the Role Name and a Description if necessary and select a Portal Section (Admin Portal Roles, Office Portal Roles, Field Portal Roles, or Client Portal Roles). When you have finished, click Save.


To set ACLs for a given role, click the name of the Role, and check any ACLs that apply. The ACLs are organized into folders. To expand a folder, click + next to the folder name.


Editing a role

Select the role to edit and click on the Edit tab.


You can modify the Role Name and the Description within the Edit Role dialog. Please note that the Portal Section cannot be modified. Refresh the page to see the visual change.


Deleting a role

Select the role to delete and click on the Delete tab.


A confirmation dialog will appear. Select "OK" to confirm your action, and refresh the page to see the change. 


To delete a role, you must ensure that no employee is presently assigned to that role. To review a list of employees who are assigned to the role, click on the Members tab. You will then see a data grid of users and their titles, and the Revoke action button next to each name. 


When you click the Revoke button next to an employee's name, a confirmation dialog will appear. Select "OK" to confirm your action, and refresh the page to see the change. 


To bulk revoke all employees from this role, click on the Option menu and select Revoke all.


Similarly, a confirmation dialog will appear. Select "OK" to confirm your action, and refresh the page to see the change. 


⚠️ Other than ensuring that no employee is presently assigned to a deleted role, said deleted role must be individually removed from each form in your environment. Revoking employee access and deleting the role alone will not complete the entire role deletion process. ⚠️

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