How do I begin/end a virtual visit with a client on web?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Virtual visits allow employees to conduct their visits with clients over a video session rather than in person. To qualify as a virtual visit, the visit must have a service code configured to allow virtual visits. A video session for a visit can be initiated from either the web or mobile app.

For more supporting materials for caregivers, please see the attached handout Conducting a Virtual Visit with a Client on the Web.

In the web app, virtual visits will have the virtual_care_icon.pngicon in the client and employee schedules. 


The visit preview will further indicate that it is a virtual visit:


Sending the invite to the client and creating the virtual session

After clicking More Details to open the visit dialogue from your schedule, you will see a button to Send invite to client. Click this button to send an email to the client's email address (as entered in the Demographics tab on the client profile) with a link to join the video call. This action will create the virtual session for the visit. 


Alternatively, you can select Copy invite link to copy the link and send it directly to the client. When the client clicks on the link, they will be able to join the video call. This action will also create a virtual session for the visit.


warning_icon.jpg You will only be able to send the invite to the client if you are the employee assigned to the visit. If you are not the assigned employee, you will receive the following error: You need to be assigned to the visit to be able to send an invitation to the client.


If the client does not have an email address entered on their profile, you will receive the following error: The client does not have an email address.

Note that you can send the invite to the client either before or after clocking in to the visit. However, you must clock into the visit before you can join the video session. 

Joining the video session with the client 

Once you have sent the link to the client and clocked into the visit, click Join video session


Select Resend invite to client if you wish to send the link to the client's email again. Note that you will need to resend the invite to the client if the time of the visit was changed.

You will not be able to join the session if the end time of the visit has passed and the link to the virtual session has expired (link will expire 15 minutes after the scheduled end time). In this situation, you will need to create a new visit and send a new invite to the client.

After clicking Join video session, the dialogue box for the video call will open as a browser window. Make sure to enable your microphone and camera when prompted by your browser.


If the client has not yet clicked the link to join the call, you will see the following message: The client has not joined the session yet. The last invite was sent at [HH:MM]. Click Resend invite to resend the link for the session to the client.

Once the client joins the call and enables their camera and microphone, you should be able to see and hear them. You will be able to see how you appear to the client in the bottom right corner of the screen. 


During the virtual visit

Once the video session has started, you can proceed to document the visit as usual in the app. 

You can use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to performing the following actions:

  • Press  hang_up_virtual_care.pngto hang up and end the call. 
  • Press  switch_camera_virtual_care.png to switch the direction of the camera.
  • Press video_button_vc.png to turn your camera on and off.
  • Press mute_virtual_care.png to mute your microphone. 

The button labels will be visible in the fullscreen view.


If the client hangs up during the call, you will receive the following message:


Ending the video session for the visit 

Once you have finished your visit, you can click the hang_up_virtual_care.png button to hang up and then clock out of the visit. You will receive the following warning:


 Once you hang up, the screen will display the following message: Your session with the client is over. You can now close the page.


Note that you will still need to clock out after ending the video session.

If you clock out before hanging up, you will receive a warning that virtual session is still active and reminding you to hang up on the video call as well.

After ending the video session by clocking out or hanging up, you will not be able to open another virtual session for the visit. This will not apply if the client hangs up accidentally at any point during the call. The session must be terminated by the caregiver to be considered over.

Note: closing the browser or tab will not terminate the virtual session. If you close out of the call accidentally, you can rejoin the call as needed by selecting Join video session again.



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