This information is for Australian Customers who provide HCP funded services.
Please always refer to the latest updates on the Department of Health website. Please confirm your organisation's eligibility when reviewing AlayaCare's Zendesk articles prior to making any updates to the configuration in your Production environment.
If you require further assistance, please contact the AlayaCare Cloud Support Team.
⚠️ For Organisations that have rolled out the new IPA functionality, please use the new Discharge process detailed in the separate Zendesk Article here.
⚠️ AirDocs will no longer calculate the payout amounts when generating Exit Statements. The client account balance must be closed out in AlayaCare before sending the AirDocs HCP - XML file to AirDocs. ⚠️ Follow the following steps to discharge an HCP budget under IPA.
Step 1: End Date on the Budget
Please note the client must remain active or on hold until all expenses have been processed.
Please note the following conditions when working on this step:
- On-hold visits are not billed.
- If the client is discharged, client billing premiums are not billed.
- Since client billing premiums take into account the client status at the time of invoice generation, if a client is placed on hold, any client billing premiums created against that client must be set as billable.
An optional action in this step is to navigate to Client Profile > Overview > Status History and put the client on hold using the "Pending Discharge" status reason. The HCP Capital and Consumables service must remain active to ensure that any additional external expenses can be paid for by the package.
To start the discharge, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Client Profile > Services, then select the relevant services under the Services column > Scheduling > for each recurrence, select Edit. You are then to update the end date on all recurrences as the last day on which the client receives visits.
- Navigate to Client Profile > Accounting > Budgets, then copy the active budget.
- Set the end date of this budget to the last date of claimable subsidy for the client. Update all expense items on the budget so the end date is the same as the last date of claimable subsidy for the client.
- Publish the budget.
Step 2: Final Billing for the Client's Package
The final transactions for the client's account will be picked up in the next claim period. After claims have been generated and marked as sent, said client's services can be discharged.
At this point, the client should remain active or on hold, as we are yet to finalise and close out the client account balance in ACC.
Step 3: Closing out the Client Account Balance
To determine the payout amounts to enter, you will need to review one or all of the following:
- The HCP Balances report
- The Client Account Balance funder cards
Follow these steps to close out the client's account balance on ACC.
- Navigate to Client Profile > Accounting > Budgets and copy the last active budget. You need to ensure that the end date of the copied budget is set to the next claim period.
- Edit all income items and set their rate to $0. This will make sure no new income transactions can be created and affect the client’s account balance.
- Add in payout premiums using the Care Recipient Discharge Payout, Commonwealth Discharge Payout and Home Care Account Balance on Exit premiums. The start date and end date of these premiums must be the same date. You also need to make sure that claim generation is not completed for this date, and that the premium is set as not claimable so it will not be included in the invoice amount claimed from Services Australia.
- Publish the budget.
- Optional: Set the client account balance back to $0 so your closing balance will show as $0 on the Exit Statement. Please contact your client services manager or the support team to request an update to the bucket balances. (In the future, users will have the ability to perform this step in-app without consulting support, but this feature is currently under development.)
- Navigate to Client Profile > Accounting > Budgets and mark the Budget as "Completed".
- If a client only has HCP-funded services, you can change the Client Status to "Discharged" with the desired effective date and reason. If the client is still receiving services from other funders, their client status can remain "Active".
Step 4: Generate the Exit Statement
Please note that AirDocs will no longer be used to calculate the payout amounts for care recipients who exited after 1 September 2021. The configuration of your Exit Statement will require an update with AirDocs, which will then produce the correct output and display the payout amounts.
Follow these steps to generate your Exit Statement.
1. Navigate to Accounting > Accounting Exports, select +Add Accounting Export, then:
- Set the Type as "AirDocs HCP – XML".
- Set the Format as "XML".
- Set the Start Date as explained above. In this example, the start date is 01/03/2020.
- Set the End Date as explained above. In this example, the end date is 30/09/2020.
- Set the Reference Date as "Posting Date".
- Select the client for whom the exit statement will be generated.
2. Once you have completed all changes, click "Save".
3. Download the generated XML file and follow all necessary steps to produce the Exit Statement in AirDocs. The Exit Statement will show the final payout amounts you have invoiced as "Premiums".
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