How do I clock in to a Client Visit at a Facility?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

When Clients are scheduled for treatment at a Facility, the Visit will initially appear as a Vacant Visit. Care workers with Facility Visits can assign themselves to Visits with Clients at the Facility and clock into these Visits using the mobile app. 

Step 1: Tap a Facility Visit on the Schedule 


Step 2: Tap Clients to access a list of Clients to be treated at the Facility

The Clients field will a display a number that indicates the total number of Clients scheduled for treatment at the Facility during the time of the Visit


Tap the > icon to bring up a new screen that displays a list of all Clients to be treated.


Step 3: Tap a Scheduled Client Visit to Assign Yourself to the Visit and Clock in

Once you open a Client profile, you can assign yourself to the Visit and clock in to indicate that you are treating the Client


Tap the three dots located to the left of the Visit time and choose Assign.                                     

Tap Ok to assign yourself to the Visit. The schedule tile will change from red to blue. 


To clock in, click the green clock icon. 


The header with the Client's name will switch from blue to green, and the green clock will turn grey. A red clock will now be available for you to tap to clock out when you have completed the Visit


If you clock in to a Visit that is not scheduled for that day, you will receive a warning:
You are about to clock in to a visit that's not scheduled for today. Would you like to clock in anyway? You will then have the option to cancel or continue clocking in. 
Once you are clocked in to the Client Visit, you can continue to document the Visit as usual. 

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