The Form Builder allows you to choose from many question types and formatting options when creating a new Form. The following Basic Components are available in the Form Builder:
- Text Box
- Comment Box
- Checkbox
- Dropdown
- Multi-Select
- Number
- Time Picker
- Date Picker
- Picture
- Signature
- Drawing
- Information
- Hyperlink
- Sections
To learn more about building a Form in the Form Builder, check out How do I use the Form Builder?
Text Box
Use this question type when a single alpha-numeric entry is required as a response.
To add a Text Box, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
You are required to add a Label and have the option to include Instructions and a Maximum Length (in number of characters). You can also specify an input Type (Text, Password, Tel, Email, or URL). Click the Require an Answer checkbox if the field is mandatory for completing the Form and choose whether you wish to add Display Logic.
If the Form is a Task Form, you will also have the option to mark the component as a Task Field. Learn more about creating a Form as a Task.
Comment Box
This question type allows the user to enter a response in alpha-numeric characters that extends across multiple lines.
To add a Comment Box, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
You are required to add a Label and have the option to include Instructions and a Maximum Length (in characters). Click the Require an Answer checkbox if the field is required for completing the Form and choose whether you wish to add Display Logic.
If the Form is a Task Form, you will also have the option to mark the component as a Task Field.
Use a checkbox for questions that require a yes/no response.
To add a Checkbox, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
You are required to add a Label and have the option to add Instructions if necessary. Click to check the box next to Require to be checked if the field is required for completing the Form and choose whether you wish to add Display Logic.
If the Form is a Task Form, you will also have the option to mark the component as a Task Field.
This question type allows the user to select a single response from a list of options that is configured when adding the question in the Form Builder.
To add a Dropdown, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
After adding a Label (and Instructions in necessary), use the Options fields to enter the items that will be available for selection in this Dropdown. Click +Add Option if you wish to configure a list of more than three items.
If you check the box to Add other as an option, Other will appear as an option in the dropdown. When Other is selected, an additional textbox will appear for the user to define the item.
Check the box next to Require an Answer if the field is required for Form completion and choose whether to add Display Logic.
If the Form is a Task Form, you will also have the option to mark the component as a Task Field.
This question type allows the user to select multiple responses from a list of options configured when adding the question via the Form Builder.
To add a Multi-Select question, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
After adding a Label (and Instructions in necessary), use the Options fields to enter the items that will be available for selection. Click +Add Option if you wish to configure a list of more than three items for the Multi-Select.
If you check the box to Add other as an option, you will be able to select Other as an option in this Multi-Select. When Other is selected, an additional textbox will appear for the user to define the item.
Check the box next to Require an Answer if the field is required for Form completion and choose whether to add Display Logic.
If the Form is a Task Form, you will also have the option to mark the component as a Task Field.
Use this question type if a single numeric response is required. Very large or very small numbers will be displayed in scientific notation after they are entered.
Note that this field is not meant to express values such as phone numbers. These should be put in a field of type Text Box.
To add a Number question, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
You are required to add a Label and have the option to add Instructions and set a Minimum and Maximum value. Check the box next to Require an Answer if the field is required for Form completion and choose whether to add Display Logic.
If the Form is a Task Form, you will also have the option to mark the component as a Task Field.
Time Picker
This question type allows the user to select a time using a 12-hour or 24-hour clock depending on your agency's configured preference.
To add a Time Picker, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
You are required to add a Label and have the option to add Instructions and set a Minimum and Maximum time. Check the box next to Require an Answer if the field is required for Form completion and choose whether to add Display Logic.
If the Form is a Task Form, you will also have the option to mark the component as a Task Field.
Date Picker
This question type allows the user to select a date from a calendar in the preferred date format configured by your agency.
To add a Date Picker, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
You are required to add a Label and have the option to add Instructions and set a Minimum and Maximum time. Check the box next to Require an Answer if the field is required for Form completion and choose whether to add Display Logic.
If the Form is a Task Form, you will also have the option to mark the component as a Task Field.
Use this question type if the user needs to attach a photo as the response.
To add a Picture question, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
You are required to add a Label and have the option to add Instructions. Check the box next to Require an Answer if the field is required for Form completion and choose whether to add Display Logic.
If the Form is a Task Form, you will also have the option to mark the component as a Task Field.
This question type provides a box for capturing the user's signature.
To add a Signature field, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
You are required to add a Label and have the option to add Instructions. Check the box next to Require an Answer if the field is required for Form completion and choose whether to add Display Logic.
If the Form is a Task Form, you will also have the option to mark the component as a Task Field.
This question type allows the user to either draw on a selected template or upload an image.
To add a Drawing question, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
You are required to add a Label and select a Type (Body, Feet, Upload Image). Select Body or Feet to add a template to the Form that the user will be able to draw on, or select Upload Image to allow users to attach their own pictures to draw on instead.
Check the box next to Require an Answer if the field is required for Form completion and choose whether to add Display Logic.
If the Form is a Task Form, you will also have the option to mark the component as a Task Field.
This component allows you to include additional information on the Form for the caregiver.
To add an Information field, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
You are required to provide a Label and have the option to include additional Instructions and Display Logic if necessary.
This component allows you to add a URL to your Form that can be used to link to a webpage to help the user complete the Form.
To add a Hyperlink, click on the component and drag it into the correct section of the Form. Complete the relevant fields and click Save.
You need to add a component Label, Link Label, and URL. You can also add Instructions and Display Logic if necessary. When entering in the URL, the full web address including either http:// or https:// is required.
Adding Sections helps you to organize your Form into discrete parts.
To add a Section, click on the Section component and drag it into the correct place on the Form or click +Add Section.
You can then adjust the Section Label and add Instructions as necessary.
To learn more, see How do I organize my Form into Sections?
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