How to Copy a Budget and Add or Edit an ITF

AlayaCare Support Associate
AlayaCare Support Associate
  • Updated

This information is for Australian Customers who provide HCP funded services.

Please always refer to the latest updates on the Department of Health website. Please confirm your organisation's eligibility when reviewing AlayaCare's Zendesk articles prior to making any updates to the configuration in your Production environment.

If you require further assistance, please contact the AlayaCare Cloud Support Team.

Copy a Budget

1. Navigate to Client Profile > Accounting > Budgets and find the current active budget in the list.

2. Click the dropdown arrow next to View and select Copy.


3. The start date of the copied budget will default to today. The start date of the copied budget can be adjusted to reflect the start date of the recipient's new ITF contribution.


Editing an Existing ITF

1. Click the pencil icon to edit the existing ITF on the Budget and update the income rate to reflect the new ITF contribution of the client.


2. Click Save.

The subsidy income item will be reduced by the amount of the updated ITF rate and the new ITF rate will be applied from the start date of the budget.


3. Click Publish.


Adding an ITF

1. Click +Add Source and enter an income name.

2. Select the client individual funder and nominate the applicable Billing Contact.

3. Select the ITF Income Code and enter the ITF rate for the client.

4. Check the Link to HCP Funder checkbox.

    Note: If this checkbox is not selected, no invoice will be generated for the ITF income item.

5. Click Save.


6. Click Publish.

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