How do I view/add/edit funding for a Service/Visits? (Funding Blocks)

BI - Forum Moderator
BI - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

Funding Blocks indicate what quantity of a Service is payable by the Funder according to their ordinary guidelines. Funding Blocks are entirely optional. 

When a Service has Funding Blocks and unfunded scheduled Visits, they cannot be approved in the Visit Approval page with any of the Batch Actions. However, they can be manually approved by the user. (Services without Funding Blocks are not subject to this logic.)

Add a Funding Block to a Service

  1. In the Service profile page, scroll down and click Funding.

  2. In the Funding screen, you can filter on PastCurrent and Upcoming, or All Funding Blocks for the Service.

    Each Funding Block is represented by a Master Funding Block in the list but also by individual Sub-Funding Blocks based on the Start and End Dates and the Frequency of the Master Funding Block.

    There are no Sub-Funding Blocks if the Master Funding Block only specifies a total quantity of covered hours or Visits for its duration, with no Frequency.

    For each individual Funding Block, the Units Used represent scheduled Visits/hours that are covered by the BlockVisits Not Funded represent the quantity of Visits which were not covered in the interval of the Block.

  3. Click + New Funding Block.

  4. Enter the Start/End Dates of the Funding Block, and set the Frequency. Set a Quantity, choose a Unit (Hours, Visits, Rates) for the Quantity, and a Frequency at which the Quantity will apply. Optionally, you can also enter notes.                                                                                                        
    Unit: the Unit selected determines how Visits will be billed on invoices (as billed per Hour, Visit, or Rate). Select Rate if your organization charges a flat rate for a Service. Select Visit if you charge a flat rate per Visit.                                                                                                                                                            
    Frequency: this can be set weekly, monthly, total (throughout the range of the Block) or custom (every X days).

  5. Click OK.

Edit a Funding Block

Click Edit for the Master Funding Block to make changes that could affect all the Sub-Funding Blocks, or click Edit for a Sub-Funding Block.


Delete a Funding Block

Click Delete for the Master Funding Block to delete all the Sub-Funding Blocks, or click Delete for a Sub-Funding Block.

Viewing Funding for a Service

  1. In the Services list, there is a column for Visits Not Funded. This is calculated whether or not the Service has Funding Blocks.

  2. In the Service profile page, the Funder Summary displays funding information.

Viewing Funding for Visits

  1. Upon scheduling a new Recurrence for a Service, the confirmation dialogue will indicate how many Visits are not covered by a Funding Block


  2. In any calendar, the icon  on a Visit tile indicates that it is not funded, while the icon indicates that it is funded. 

  3. Whether or not the Visit is funded also appears in the details view when you click once on the Visit tile. 


  4. In the Information tab of the Visit dialogue, funding information is available if Funding Blocks exist.

    Master Funding: detail of the Master Funding Block, including Start/End Dates, Quantity, Units, and Frequency.

    Units Used
    : of the Sub-Funding Block which covers the Visit, or else of the Master Funding Block if there are no Sub-Funding Blocks.

    Funding: whether or not the Visit is covered. This field is always Not Funded in the case of Visits for Services with no funding information.

  5. In any Visit Approval page, you can filter on Funding: all (default), Funded, or Not Funded
    The Funded column indicates which Visits are funded.

Special Notes

If there are more than one Visit in the Funding Block date range of which at least one is funded and at least one is not, the funding priority is in order of Visit creation ( .e, the last can be funded before the first).

If there is not enough Quantity remaining in a Funding Block to cover an entire Visit, then the Quantity will remain unused and the Visit unfunded.

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