How do I see an overview of my Client's Services?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

You can view a snapshot of all Services scheduled for a Client from either the Overview tab or the Services tab on the Client's profile. 

Overview Tab

From the Overview tab on the Client's profile, you will see a list of all the Client's Services.


Hover over a Service to view its Status, Start Date and Projected End Date (if applicable), Primary Employee (if applicable), Funding details, and number of scheduled Visits


All the Client's Services will appear here unless you choose to hide them in the Client>Services tab. This is an option with Discharged Services only.


Services Tab

Under the Services tab on the Client's profile, you will find a list of all the Client's Services. Other information listed (where applicable) includes the Service's AlayaCare ID, Episode #, Department, Funder(s), Primary Employee, Skills, Start Date, Projected End Date, Status, and Status Effective End Date


For Discharged Services, you can choose to hide them by selecting the option in the Edit Service dropdown.


This will hide the Service  in the Services tab and in the Overview.


You can always expose the hidden Services in the list with the toggle:


Click on a Service to open the Service profile and review more details. 



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