How do I schedule Clients to a Visit at a Facility?

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For Clients receiving treatment in a clinic and/or group setting at a Facility, scheduling can be done through Facility scheduling.

It is also possible to search for Facilities by Capacity when scheduling a Client Visit

warning.jpg A Facility must be configured for Client  Scheduling in order to be available for Client Visits.

Scheduling a Client at a Facility

  1. Go to Facility Profile>Client Scheduling.

  2.  Click on the schedule to open a new Visit dialogue or click +Add Visits.

  3. In the Visit dialogue, enter the name of the Client you wish to schedule to the Facility. The Client's Services will appear. Click Choose for the Service you wish to schedule at the Facility. The Service's details, like the Service Code and any Reports or Activity Codes, will autofill in the Visit dialogue. Edit the Scheduling information for the Visit and create a recurrence if desired.

  4. Save.
warning.jpg If the Facility Capacity will be exceeded during the Visit, you will receive a warning.

Finding an Available Facility for Scheduling

  1. In the Visit dialogue, you can type a Facility name in Assign to Facility if you know which Facility you want to use for the Visit. To search for all suitable Facilities, click Find Facility.

  2. In the resulting dialogue, click on the filter icon  to search by Facility Name, or filter by Has Continuity, Has Skills, and Groups.

    Facility Name:
    type one or several Facility Names.

    Has Continuity: turn on or off if it is important to know if the Client has already had Visits at the Facility.

    Has Skills: turn on and off any Skills required for the Visit that should be set on the Facility.

    Groups: type one or more Group names to search for Facilities with those Groups attached.

    Display Proximity: turn on to see the travel distance to the Facility from the Client's home.

  3. Choose Facility according to the needs of the Visit, using the information displayed for each.

    Facility: Click on the name of a Facility to open its profile in a new tab.

    Information icon  : Hover over the icon to see the address of the Facility.

    : the total of Clients who can be simultaneously scheduled for Visits at the Facility according to its Capacity setting.

    Continuity: the degree of familiarity the Client already has with the Facility (in other words, whether they have already had Visits scheduled at this location). 

    : the proportion of Skills on the Visit available at the Facility.

    Availability: the proportion of Visit for which the Facility has room, determined by comparing the number of concurrent Visits with the Capacity setting. If this is for a single Visit, it will appear as 0/1 if unavailable or 1/1 if available. 

    Employee Availability: the availability of any Employees scheduled at the Facility during this VisitEmployee availability is calculated according to scheduled Care Time for any other Client Visits occurring at the Facility at the same time.
    warning.jpg This metric is only available for single Visits or the first occurrence of a recurrence.

  4. Save. This will close the Facility Finder and save your choice of Facility.

  5. Click Create Visit. This will save your Visit or recurrence.

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