Client, Employee & Supplier Profiles, Skills & Qualifications, Facilities, Marketplace, Offers & Referrals (HSSO/LHIN)
Handling Offers and Referrals (HSSO/LHIN | ON, CA)
- Feature Overview: CHRIS/HPG
- How do I view/process Referrals?
- How do I view/accept/refuse Offers?
- How do I view HCCSS Referral Information in a Client Profile/Service?
- Creating and Configuring Intake Forms
- How do I configure Intake at the system level?
Managing Client, Employee & Supplier Profiles
Managing Skills & Qualifications
Working with Facilities
- Feature Overview: Facilities
- How do I set up/edit a Facility?
- Facility Availability Metrics
- How do I use the Facility Finder?
- How do I submit/view a Report to a Facility?
- How do I schedule an Employee to a Facility Visit (Single or Recurrence)?