How does data migrate from Forms 1.0 to Forms 2.0?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

When your organization transitions to Forms 2.0, your existing form templates from Report Settings as well as previously submitted client forms will be migrated to the new forms. For a detailed guide to where your data will go after the migration, please see the sections below:

Keep in mind the following basic changes from Forms 1.0 to 2.0:

  • The term forms will replace reports as the word used to refer to forms that can be filled out and submitted for clients or facilities. Report will be used only in the context of visit reports, metrics, and data exploration reports.
  • Report Settings have been renamed Form Settings.
  • The Reports tab on the dashboard has been renamed Client Forms.
  • On client profiles, all client forms, including service forms, are now found in Client Forms under the Care Documentation tab. The Client Reports and Service Reports tabs have been removed, and Visit Reports have been moved to a separate tab.
  • On Employee profiles, the Reports tab has been renamed Forms.
  • On Facility profiles, the Facility Reports tab has been renamed Facility Forms
  • On the mobile app, the Reports tab has been renamed Form History.

Roles and permissions

ACL_image.png The following new permissions are available to configure in Settings>Roles and Permissions for Forms 2.0:

For admin roles:
  • Customer>Add Client Forms
For field roles:
  • Customer>Add Client Forms

Migrating form configuration settings

The basic configuration settings for forms in Forms 2.0 are the same as the options for reports in Report Settings in Forms 1.0.

If you select the Config option for a migrated form in Form Settings, the information entered should match the information that was entered on the New custom report form dialogue in Report Settings for that form. 

Forms 2.0 field


Data entered from corresponding Forms 1.0 field



Display text entered in Name field



Display any text entered in Information/instructions

Restrict submit to


Display any roles selected for Restrict submit to

Restrict view to


Display any roles selected for Restrict view to



Type will match type selected for the 1.0 form, except for task forms. Reports/forms of type Dispatchable Task will be migrated to type Task, and report/forms of type Dispatchable Event Task will be migrated to type Event Task.

Form Categories 


Display category selected from Report Categories



Display Language selected

Clinical Event Name


Display any text entered in Clinical Event Name field

Requires Clock-In


Match selection in 1.0

Pre-populate with most recent form


Match selection in 1.0 for Pre-populate with most recent report

Display form in client dashboard


Match selection in 1.0

Exclude from visit reports


Match selection in 1.0

Approve automatically


Match selection in 1.0

For admin eyes only


Match selection in 1.0

Notify alert queue


Match selection in 1.0

Report configuration - Forms 1.0:


Form configuration - Forms 2.0:


Important note: If Pre-populate with the most recent form/report is checked for a form, the previous responses will not pre-populate the first time a form is completed after the migration to Forms 2.0. Once the form has been completed and approved in Forms 2.0, past responses will pre-populate in the form.

If the status of the form was Enabled in Forms 1.0, the status in Forms 2.0 will be Active (v.1). If the status of the form was Disabled in Forms 1.0, the status in Forms 2.0 will be Archived (v.1).

Note that any Report Categories set up will be migrated to Form Categories.

Migrating form fields

The fields on migrated forms should also match the fields for the reports in Forms 1.0. All of the same form fields are available as basic form components in Forms 2.0, though in some cases the naming is slightly different. The table below shows the equivalent form fields 


Form field type (2.0)


Corresponding Forms 1.0 field type

Text box


Text box (regular)

Comment box


Comment box (text area)









Signature box






List picker (choose one)



Choose multiple

Drawing (with body selected as the type)


Draw: body

Draw (with foot selected as the type)


Draw: feet



Field section divider

Time picker


Time picker

Date picker


Date picker

* It is recommended that all number fields be formatted as text type fields in order to avoid potential errors during migration.

Migrating submitted forms

Forms that have been submitted for clients and facilities will be migrated to the new PDF format on web and mobile in Forms 2.0. The form fields and responses should correspond exactly to the fields and responses on the submitted forms before the migration. 


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