How do I add payable Premiums for my Employees?

BI - Forum Moderator
BI - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

There are multiple ways to add Premiums for Employees.

  1. A payable Premium is added directly to the Visit. For example, the Employee bought groceries for the Client and needs to be reimbursed. The value of the groceries can be added to the Visit as a Visit Premium.
  2. A Premium is created for the Employee. For example, the Employee is reimbursed every month for their phone bill. A Premium is created for the Employee independently of any Visit, either in the Employee profile or in the Payroll Period.
  3. A Premium Rule is set up in the Payroll Period. For example, any Employees whose travel between Visits satisfies certain criteria will receive a Premium according to the reimbursable quantity of travel.

Adding a Payable Premium to a Visit

  1. Open the Visit dialogue and go to the Premiums tab.

  2. Click + Add Premium.

  3. Open the dropdown in the Premium column and choose a Premium.
    warning.jpg You must choose a Premium with a Pay Code.

  4. Enter a Quantity and optionally a Description

  5. Click Save and close the Visit dialogue, or add another Premium.
  6. In Payroll, the value of the Premium will be quantity multiplied by the rate on the Premium Pay Code.

Adding a Premium for an Employee

Method 1: through the Payroll Period

  1. In the Approve visits tab of a Payroll Period, select Daily Premiums

  2. You can filter by Departments, by name of the Premium, by Employee Group, by Employee, or by Date of the Premium. You can also search for a Premium

    Click +New Premium.

  3. In the resulting dialogue, choose a Premium and an employee. Enter the Quantity and the Date of the Premium. Optionally, you can enter a Description.

  4. Click Save.

 Method 2: through the Employee profile

  1. Navigate to Employee Profile>Timesheets & Premiums>Premiums and click +New Premium.

  2. In the resulting dialogue, choose a Premium and an Employee. Enter the Quantity and the Date of the premium. Optionally, you can enter a Description, and if you use Cost Centres, you can select one. 

  3. Click Save.

Setting up Rules for Premiums in a Payroll Period

  1. In a Payroll Period, go to Check Pay Settings and click +New Premiums.

  2. In the resulting dialogue, choose a Premium with a pay rule.
    warning.jpg   All Premiums will show in the dropdown, not just payable Premiums.

  3. Click Save.

Obtaining Payable Premiums in Payroll

Once the above Premium types have been set up, run Payroll.

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