How do I use the All-Client Schedule?

Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
Charlotte Boatner-Doane - Forum Moderator
  • Updated

The All-Client Schedule allows you to view client schedules across your entire organization using different scheduling views and filtering options.

ACL_image.png In multi-office environments, the following ACLs must be enabled in Settings>Roles and Permissions for non-system admin roles in order for these users to be able to view clients listed in the schedule: Customer>View Clients and Facilities>View Facilities

Using the All-Client Schedule

To open the All-Client Schedule, go to Scheduling>All-Client Schedule.


The calendar will default to the current day. Use the arrows or the calendar button to switch to a different day. 

Use the dropdown menus above the Client list to select the Calendar View (Daily, Weekly - Stack, or Weekly -Timeline) you would like to use for viewing the calendar. 


Daily: shows scheduled Visits for all Clients in chronological order over the course of a week. Note that with this view, you can select the intervals of time (10 Minutes, 15 Minutes, 20 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 60 Minutes) in which you wish to view the calendar. 


Weekly - Stack: shows a stacked list of all of the Clients' Visits for each day of the week.


Weekly - Timeline: shows scheduled Visits for all Clients in chronological order over the course of a week. Note that with this view, you can select the intervals of time (1 Hour, 2 Hours, 4 Hours, 8 Hours, 12 Hours) in which you wish to view the calendar. 


To filter on the All-Client Schedule, click the filter_icon.png icon.

You can filter by Client(s), Client Status, Client Group(s), or Department(s). By default the schedule will be filtered to clients with a status of Active or On Hold. Note that the last filters that you select on this page will remain in place when you navigate away from the page or log out and log back in.


To add a visit for a client from the All-Client Schedule select the +Add Visit(s) button or click on the interval in the calendar where you wish to create a visit.


In the All-Client Schedule,  you can change the time of a visit by dragging and dropping it from the daily view. A message will appear above the visit tile displaying the new start and end times, duration, client, and service code for the visit.


From the weekly-stack view, you can use drag and drop to change the day of the visit while keeping the same time.


From the weekly-timeline view, you can use drag and drop to change the day and time of the visit.


For the weekly-timeline and daily views, you can also change the duration of a visit by dragging and dropping the edge of a visit tile to change the end time of the visit.


When dragging and dropping a visit to change the date, time, or duration, the system will check whether any conflicts exist that might prevent you from rescheduling the visit. If a conflict exists, an error message will be displayed asking you to confirm whether you wish to proceed.  Depending on how your environment is configured, the following situations may cause conflicts to occur:

  • Overlapping visit(s) were found.
  • The invoice has already been invoiced or including in payroll.
  • A reason code is required to schedule the first visit of a service after the required first visit date or service required by date.
  • Facility capacity is exceeded.
  • The visit has active service instructions. 

If you are using interventions and daily activities, you may need to select which interventions/ADLs should apply on the rescheduled visit.


Note that you cannot drag and drop unavailability and availability tiles on the All-Client Schedule.

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