You must accept Offers from HCCSS in order to receive Referrals.
Please note: HCCSS Offers processed, opened, or read in the HPG portal will not flow into AlayaCare. Only unread offers and referrals will be imported.
View/Process Offers
- Navigate to Dashboard > Operations Dashboard > Client Intake.
- The tab opens by default to the Offers page, filtered to unexpired Offers.
The Last Refresh indicates when the page was last refreshed.
The quantity of Offers and Referrals is indicated in the toggle button of each.
- The field Expires in counts down in real time.
When Offers pass the Soon to Expire threshold set in System Settings, the field Expires in appears in red.
If the Offer has expired, the value Expired will display.
- Click the icon to search and filter Offers.
The available values for Referral Source, Service Type, and Delivery Code come from received Offers.
Transmission Date is a date/time range.
- Open the View dropdown to Accept/Refuse an Offer from this list view.
Click View to see the details of the Offer.
- In the Offer view, you can navigate back to Offers by clicking Offers, or choose between Offers and Referrals in the toggle.
- The sections displayed in the Offer view are:
- Offer Summary
- Service Details
- Frequency
- LHIN Contacts
- Service Address
- Risk Codes
- Active Diagnoses
- Possible Billing Codes
- Allergies
- Safety Issues
- Service Pathways
Care Pathways
- Milestones
- Reimbursement Model Assignments
Actor Assignments
- If data is not available for a given field, it will display as empty or Data not available.
Accept/Refuse the Offer.
If you do neither before the Offer expires, the Offer remains in status Posted and no response will be sent back to HCCSS.
- When you refuse an Offer, a confirmation dialogue will require you to select a Reason (these are hard-coded) and a Date. Optionally, you can enter a Comment as well.
- When you accept an Offer, a confirmation dialogue will require you to confirm your choice.
- If you refuse/accept an Offer, the status will update accordingly in the list view and the Offer view.
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